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Friday, 7 November 2014

Almost Lost Washcloth

This is Friday and I promised something special that I want to start doing on a Friday. I found last month that I was posting some sort of tutorial on a Friday. Sometimes it was a recipe like a hand cream, and sometimes it was a technique. But it seemed that I kept wanting to share something that I learnt or tried and Friday always seemed to be a good day.

So I'm going to make it more of a weekly event. On Fridays I will share something that I have learnt or tried and some of the tips and tricks I picked up as I gave it a go.

Today I will continue with my current wash cloth obsession. It is becoming a bit of obsession but coming up to Christmas I need to have a pile made. So I found this pattern it's called The Almost Lost Washcloth it's such a simple pattern and I found it easy to understand but reading through the comments I found that lots of people couldn't understand the pattern and ended up with a shape that didn't work. So today I want to see if I can help clear it up and make it easier for someone else to follow the pattern as well.

I love the way this cloth knits up.

I started the teal one with a normal cast on but for the yellow one I started with a provisional cast on I learnt how to do one of those when I was making my gloves.

I love this VIDEO it explains really well how to do a provisional cast on and how to do a three needle cast off. This is a cheat way to get around sewing the ends together but you will still need to pull the middle in close. But a normal cast on/off will work just as well.

The trick with making this work is to work from the outside in. Each new instruction starts from the outside.
So when it says to Knit 4, yarn over, knit, leaving 2 stitches and knit back You always start from the outside edge and knit to the middle.
When it says to leave 2 stitches you don't stitch the last two stitches you stop, leaving them on the left needle, then turn your work and knit back to the edge.

You then start the next instruction. Again working from the outside in. As you can see the last two stitches don't get knitted in the first row.

I find the knitting is so simple for this cloth as long as you make sure you work through the pattern and always start the new rows from the outside.

Hope this helps if anyone is going to give this pattern a go. It's such a cute little design.

Happy Stitching,

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