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Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Finished - Stormy Sky Shawl

 For the first time in a while I have a finish that isn't one of my designs! Honestly to make my life a lot easier I have actually outsourced the test stitching on my cross stitch designs because it was stressing me out. Instead I've actually been enjoying picking up my crochet and knitting. BUT before I could get started on a couple of projects I wanted to work on I needed to get this project out of my WIP list. 

I know my WIP list is WAAAAY too long but I try to keep it contained particularly with cross stitch being the main one. I try not to have too many other projects half finished. So only a couple of knitting and crochet projects on the go. 

 So 2 years ago I posted for the first time about this project on Instagram/on the blog here. I don't have an exact date as to when I started this project but that's good enough. I worked on it at a lot at first because as with most knitting projects it's quick at first. But it is a triangle shawl. So it starts small and gets longer as you go. 

At first this project was fun to work on but with knitting you can't put it down easily mid row like you can with crochet. And I had a little helper who liked to be a part of anything I was doing....

She is so cute.... 

That face is just so hard to resist even if she is making a mess of my yarn!!!
So the project went away into a drawer more often than not. That was two years ago....
Now ...  she still wants to help and it doesn't always end up in the best way but she is still super cute.

The colours are just stunning and this pattern was lovely to work on. I am tempted to do this pattern again with a less busy yarn. And more yarn so that I can actually make it bigger. 

I love the changing lace patterns. 

Little feet helping me take the photos :D


I am in love with this project, despite not loving this yarn and I won't be going out of my way to find anymore, (it has been discontinued so....) I will absolutely love this shawl and use it all the time. 

Happy Stitching, 


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