
Sunday, 31 March 2013

WIPocalypse March 2013

Well I did promise to show some stitching. It doesn't seem like much especially considering how much I've been home. But then being home and having energy are two different things at the moment.

Here was afternoon tea last month!
Very close to a page finish :D and I managed to finish a page and another column.

I am so happy. I am on target for my goal this year of the row.

Just a random close up because it looks really interesting.
I also did a little bit of work on winter fairy. Not much I'm finding this one harder to concentrate on maybe because I'm not going in blocks so I get easily distracted.

I think this will become a bit of a focus piece as I am kinda hoping to put it in one of the shows but probably not this year!

Happy Easter everyone and Happy Stitching!


Saturday, 30 March 2013

I'm Sorry

I've been a really really bad blogger this past month. I have been going through a lot of personal problems.

I would like to explain one of my issues to you. I have been getting extremely tired all the time no matter how much sleep I've been getting. After a number of blood tests it came back that I have some issue with my adrenal glands producing WAY too much cortisol. This means I'm crashing a LOT. I haven't been stitching that much as I find it requires too much concentration when I am losing my mind. I'm waiting to get a certain test done so that the doctor can work out what exactly is wrong so she can treat it. I hope that over the next couple of months I get back to my normal happy self. It's no fun being tired all the time. I will keep everyone updated as I find out more.

I do have some stitchy photos to show you and some knitting but not in this post I should hopefully do a big post later today or tomorrow.

Happy Easter,


Wednesday, 13 March 2013

WOOHOO! I've finished page 3!

I'm so happy :D I've managed to finish another page on Afternoon Tea :D I only finished it about 30 mins ago but I had to photograph it straight away.

It is looking awesome! I love the colours of this piece. It's so bright and happy :D and I am looking good to meet my goal of the first row. Just two more pages to go!

Here is a close up:
 So much to do and so little time. I also managed to finish painting the hallway today. I now have to start on the lounge room. That will probably take me another couple of months.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Crochet Bamboo Clutch

Last year when I was making ornaments for Christmas I bought a whole pile of different colours of cottons. There was one I bought to try but when I tried to use it I found I couldn't use the small hook and it didn't have the definition that I wanted. So it got put to the side and forgotten about.

It's a bamboo cotton mix from Moda vera and I really wouldn't recommend buying any it was awful to crochet with. But on the ball band was instructions for a clutch that would take one ball and I figured would use up the ball.

So I started this yesterday evening and finished it this morning. It was awful working with this cotton. It kept unravelling. The strands wouldn't stay together and I had to keep undoing bits to resettle the threads.

This is the end result :D
I added an edging in red around for a bit of contrast.

I just need to find the right button or bead to hold it closed. It's such a cute little clutch and will be perfect for holding my glasses cleaner BUT I will not be going out of my way to use that yarn again!

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, 2 March 2013

WIPocalypse and Ornaments #2

I am making a big combined post as I have been thoroughly distracted and not feeling the best this past week. But I have been going to the doctors so hopefully all will be well soon. But on a happier note I finally have a WIPocalypse update and an ornament update.

Since last Wipocalypse I have been working a lot on Winter Fairy.

Here is what it looked like in January.

Now it looks like this.
Bit by bit I'm slowly getting there with this one.

I also did a very small bit on Afternoon Tea. I haven't found the energy to concentrate on this one.
Last month:
Now I have one more column of 10 completed.

Since I took this photo a couple of hours ago I have filled that little missing circle. Here is a close up of this months work.
I really hope to finish the last column and a half this month but we shall see. The best laid plans of mice and all.

I also have put in a bit of work on one of my gingerbread men. The red one if you can't tell. This is one of my crazy January challenge projects.

I had fun this week and painted my nails all pretty. On my gingerbread man I have a lot more to do, but I am almost there. Bit by bit I will get there.

I'm going to stop rambling now and get back to my stitching ... or maybe I might read some more.... I have been reading Robert Jordan's wheel of time series and I only have 3 more left to go so that does steal stitching time as well.

Happy Stitching,

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