
Wednesday, 25 February 2015

WIP Wednesday

There are times I'm very glad when I get bored. Last week I needed to do something. SO I looked through my downloads for my Ultimate DIY bundle and made myself an elephant. The Lucky Elephant by Gingercake patterns. Now I am almost a purist I LOVE funky friends factory patterns so I'm very biased towards them, they are always so very clear. But I didn't mind how she set out her patterns. Though you can tell that she has come from clothes sewing not quilting because she uses 5/8" seams not 1/4" seams.

Though I'm not running out to make another elephant tomorrow as I personally don't like the pillow design much... But I am imagining what it would look like as a pretty awesome pillow for the couch if I made it a lot bigger and I can see potential. As I said I prefer the slightly fancier designs from Funky Friends.

I've also been working on some random crochet. Being rained in made me want to start something new so I tried out a monster granny square. This pattern is by REPEAT CRAFTER ME (check out her stuff if you haven't seen it before) It's pretty awesome what she does.

This lovely pattern is so cute :D I used a little bit of my Bendigo woollen mills cotton.... but now I need to work out what to do with it. It still needs eyes and the parts sewn on but I don't have a white cotton so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'm debating just using my acrylic white instead but it will change the feel of it.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Easter Cross Stitch Patterns - New Pattern

 With Easter fast approaching. (It's already the end of the 5th week of term) so only 5 weeks to go! I wanted to remind you that I have a couple of Easter patterns for sale over on ETSY if you're looking for something simple to stitch up. These can be used together or separately to make some simple little gifts.

There are my Easter Bunny and Chick.

They are quick and simple to stitch and require no back stitch.

Also I have now as of today got another Easter pattern. It's a set of three Easter Eggs that can be used by themselves or stitched in conjunction with the bunny and chick. They are the same size as the animals so they look good stitched side by side.

You can find this new pattern HERE

Hope you enjoy my new pattern and seeing the old stuff as well.

What are you making for Easter?
Do you have special plans and make special items or do you buy a packet of eggs from the supermarket? Unfortunately I have to admit that I'm the second kind. I am frequently unprepared though not this year! I want to make a couple of Easter bookmarks for the kids so I will use my new patterns and start stitching ASAP. I will keep you updated as to how my plans go. If you want some help making a bookmark I did a tutorial last year teaching you how to finish them.  

Happy Stitching,

Friday, 20 February 2015

New Blog Design

I've been having lots of fun redesigning my blog I finally got myself into gear and made a new logo.

Welcome to 
Naughts & Cross Stitches - Stitching Through Life

Hope you like the new colours and design. I'm in the process of putting my logo on all my social media stuff.

Now I have a question for you.

What do you want to see more of? I can't promise anything because I've always crafted according to my moods.
But do you want to see more tutorials?
Is there something that you want to know more about that I might be able to help with?
Maybe some more finishing techniques?
Or is there a pattern that you can't work out that you want some help with?

I will keep sharing the projects that are interesting me all the time but if there is something I can help with I would love to know as I do love to help with the crafts that I know.

Happy Stitching,

Anyone in Queensland please stay safe in this awful weather.  If you don't have to be out stay inside and stay safe.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Claiming my blog sorry!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Please ignore this post and return to your regularly scheduled program, I'm just claiming my domain in bloglovin. If you are on bloglovin then feel free to visit and follow.

WIP Wednesday

So this has been another of those weeks. You know the ones where it feels like nothing much gets done but then you actually look back and go ... OH!!! I did that this week? Sometimes having dated photos on my phone is a very good thing. That said there isn't much that I can show you yet I've been motivated to stitch but of course it's hidden.

I managed to get a pretty good photo of the back corner of my secret stitching and I figured that was a safe thing to show you. Shhhhh don't tell anyone!

It's very slow progress it's big patches of one colour without much thought and I'm finding it hard to stay motivated. Though I do love the design. I'm just really good at sitting down at night and absolutely zoning out, we've been watching scrubs at the moment and I find myself watching not stitching. 

This weekend was pretty crazy, I was running around everywhere trying to get everything done. 

I've been doing extra band rehearsals because we have a performance coming up this weekend which means I've had extra knitting time. 100 bars rest is a great chance to get a row done. Maybe I'll finish this cloth next month... it's been slow going but it's happening. 

How is your progress this week? When do you find the time to sit and stitch?

I'd love to hear when you find the time to stitch/create. 

Also if you have been making something this week join us over at for the crafting linky party.
Also tune in tomorrow as I have my first introduction post which is very exciting.

And Sew We Craft

Happy Stitching,

Monday, 16 February 2015

Chevron Quilt - Thought process

There is something about triangles that are just calling me at the moment. When my friend asked me to make her a quilt for her baby I was delighted. I've seen a lot of triangle quilts recently (last year but they've stuck in my mind) and I seemed to recall that we (mum and I) had bought a triangle ruler one time when we were at a craft fair. I thought it was an isosceles one which would have made an awesome quilt.... but it was a right angled triangle ruler.

I saw that and got very excited and started thinking up all sorts of awesome ideas. I also may have lost myself in pinterest for a while. I'm going to have lots of fun with this ruler :D

I started off looking at the isosceles quilts because they came up first and that is where my inspiration started.

See Kate Sew had an awesome pattern and quilt that she made it looks lovely but using the isosceles pattern.

I was thinking about using the random pattern anyway just using a different shaped triangle but then found some awesome chevron patterns that I can use my lovely ruler for.

This one is for a Tote bag but I love the pattern.

It gave me the idea that I wanted to do. Using a mix of fabrics I'm going to do a chevron like this, but going white, green, black, green, white, green, black etc. Each chevron will be made up of a mix of fabrics. So there is an element of random in it but being me there is also a pattern. I'm so excited about what it will become.

This is always the exciting part when crafting is sorting out your ideas and trying to work out how to make it fit your vision.

Where do you go for your inspiration? 
Do you check out pinterest?
Or do you go through your stash of patterns and books?

Happy Stitching,

Friday, 13 February 2015

Organising my space

So I've been living in a TINY unit for the last 8 months. Well not that tiny just not much extra room. It has been a big big big step DOWN in the craft room space. Most of my craft stuff is living at my parents house in the shelving under their house because I don't have somewhere to store it here. What craft stuff I do have here is currently living in the cupboard of the little girls room! So I don't have the largest collection of stuff here.

I've been using the kitchen table to spread out my craft stuff and more often than not I will take over the whole table. Since I've been starting to get into basic project life stuff I've been wanting somewhere to easily store the basics so that I can get to it but still not take up the whole area. It is still the kitchen table and needs to look tidy. I don't do tidy very well when I'm crafting.... can you see the awesome mess.

This is what I used to use.
Now I got these drawers from Cate over at Behind the Purple Door. She is an AVID scrapbooker and her stash of stuff is quite impressive. But because she got some new drawers and stuff she no longer needed these so she offered them to me.

They look so awesome on the table.
Yeah one drawer is missing but they will still work like I want them too. I may also be able to put my sewing threads in it too. There is a lot of room for stuff. Much more than I had!!

But I do have one problem. The drawers are too big for all my little stuff, like my stamps so I decided to make some drawer inserts.

 Using some boxes I had around the house. I cut the sides off and then used sticky tape to tape them back together.

I then covered the boxes in pretty coloured paper. Using my washi tape to make them look even prettier.

 I even added a divider to separate out my inks. They look so pretty.

My stamps look so pretty too..... anyone would think that I love owls.....

So that was my craft this afternoon after my assignment was in. I feel so good about having something organised. How do you organise your space?

Now I'm going to disappear into my cross stitching. 

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, 12 February 2015

WIP Thursday :D Again

I'm not sure what it is at the moment but Wednesdays hasn't been working as a posting day. Though I blame that on the spider. I have a phobia of spiders. It's not something I'm proud of and I'm trying to work through it. I no longer freak out just seeing a spider but I still can't handle touching one or getting too close. Well yesterday I didn't just see it I walked into the web and ended up having to untangle the web and SPIDER from my hair. Cue absolute meltdown with hysterical crying. I don't deal well at all. So posting or anything didn't happen yesterday afternoon.

AWESOME news though. Two great things have happened to me just today.

  1. I have finally bought myself a domain name. :D So it is much easier to find me now! It's all connected the only change is when you check my feed you get directed to my domain instead of the blogger address which is great.
  2. As of today I am now a contributor to And Sew We Craft. It is very exciting for me and I'm looking forward to sharing some of my crafting journey on there as well.

 SO What have I been up to this week? Not much.... but a whole lot of thinking. On Friday I DRAAGGGGEDDD (there wasn't much dragging really) my mother down to East Coast Fabrics, an awesome fabric store if you aren't picky on the lines as they stock end of line which means it's roughly $9 a metre but you're not guaranteed to find it there again.

I have a friend with a baby due in March and another with a baby due in July. It's just that sort of year!
The friend due in March I'm making a cross stitch sampler for and it's my secret stitching at the moment. But the one due in July asked me to make her a quilt if I could. I couldn't resist the challenge and along with my mum and sister we're all contributing to make it sooo pretty.

Now I will be sharing my quilting journey as she has said she doesn't mind knowing what it's going to look like before so I'm very very excited to share as I go. I don't do hidden stitching very well. It's killing me not to share my cross stitch but I will stay strong!

I will share more about what I want this quilt to become in another post once I can get my thoughts aligned properly.

I also spent Sunday at an all day rehearsal for my band which was pretty cool but very exhausting. I got an awesome photo of the brass section :D

Now the music we're playing at the moment is fun but it is devoid of a lot of trumpet parts. Then when we do play there are 6 of us playing the same part. So during the rehearsals at the moment I am managing to get some knitting time.

You should be able to recognise this pattern by now. I love it because it makes a lovely easy cloth that doesn't require much thought on my part. I can easily drop my knitting and pick up my trumpet if I have play without losing my spot.

Anyway I'm going to stop rambling and go to band.
Happy Stitching, 

Friday, 6 February 2015

Woohoo! Skirt happy dances!

Honestly I don't know why I always do this but I always put off finishing the last couple of steps as if admitting that a piece is finally finished is the hardest part. I sewed the bottom tier on earlier this week and it's been sitting waiting for me to make the steps needed to hem it.

That said I did kinda want to use the overlocker so I had to wait until I got to my parents house today to stick it through mum's machine. So 20 minutes later because I had a thread break and I had to re-thread the whole machine (not fun at all) the overlocking was done and as soon as I got home I sewed up the hem.

She ABSOLUTELY loves it!

 I could barely get her to stand still to get some photos. But I also wanted to try getting some while the skirt was spinning.... It failed but this look lovely anyway!

This skirt was made using the waist of an old pair of jeans and adding two gathered tiers of fabric below. The bottom of the skirt is quite wide but I love how much it swirls which was the plan.

I didn't use a pattern but I will be making another one as well with a darker fabric so between the two of them I will try and write up some basic instructions.... There really was no particular plan just to use a pair of pants up that couldn't be used anymore.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Voodoo Rabbit Toy Club

I treated myself to a toy club that Voodoo Rabbit are doing. Now if you follow my blog much you will know that if I make a soft toy 9 times out of ten the pattern will be by funky friends factory. I don't have all her patterns by a very long shot actually I have a few that I make again and again. Mainly the honey bear because it's such an easy pattern and so good to give to babies. 

Voodoo Rabbit are a fabric store in Brisbane and they have an awesome collection of cool fabrics. Also Funky Friends is a lady who lives north of Brisbane so they are both local which makes me want to support them more. 
 Honey Bear & Stu the Sea Turtle

And the latest turtle (not yet finished) It's still waiting for eyes! 
I've also made some Ollie Owls but can't find any photos of them at the moment.... my internet is playing up so I can't go back through my archives easily. 

It just happened that the 7 patterns that will be coming with a kit are all ones I don't have so I was very excited to sign up and get some new toys. I do have a thing for her toys. Soooooo easy to understand the patterns and soooooo easy to sew them! You can find them here :D

My mail came today and there sticking out of my letter box was a package :D

 Ohk I'm not sure why the picture is upside down but apparently I'm not allowed to swap it around.

My package came today and there was a special little surprise I had a package of bells and eyes which sounds so weird.... but is so exciting to see. 

I'm so excited to get started with this Hippo :D I just have one more other toy to finish.... that I started before Christmas then I can get to it. 

Happy Stitching, 

WIP Wednesday

Well I started off thinking that I hadn't done much. But then I remembered that I hadn't been on since Thursday so I have actually got a couple of projects to show you. Not all of you follow instagram so that is even better :D

I'm this far along with the jeans skirt now. I'm in the process on getting the bottom tier gathered up and sewn on but matching the gathers is taking a while..... I'm trying to work out how to get it looking neat but that will take effort.

I also got some photos printed and I actually put together some project life layouts. I am in love with this method if scrapbooking. It is so easy. 

That is my mum at the top of this layout she looks so lovely.

This was some of our holiday fun. I got some great photos of the kids.

 They are all very simple layouts but they suit me and my purpose.
So happy stitching,
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