This last year has been an adventure. When I look back just over a year ago I didn't even know I was pregnant and then all of a sudden we had a newborn to look after and she was growing so quickly. I have neglected this blog partially because I was posting on instagram, partially because crafting has been slow and just because it takes more effort to write for a blog than it takes to just share a photo. But I always love blogging. I love the extended story telling and what you can share vs what instagram will let you share. So here is a shortened version of the last year, craft projects, some ups and downs. All the new patterns that are out and all that fun stuff.
I last left you after showing cute photos of the outfit I managed to make for my daughter. She was due around the 20th of March and by that time she was very comfy and didn't want to make an appearance. They booked me into be induced on the 3rd of April and bubs made her appearance late in the day on the 4th of April. It wasn't an easy delivery and she ended up going straight to NICU after. Thankfully after the first day it was just for monitoring so she spent most of the days with me on the main ward.
Meet Hannah Jade
Isn't she so cute? I keep forgetting how small she was then. Hannah was only 3.3kg when born so not a big baby but not a small one. I was so happy when we could take her home after only 5 days. At first she was too small to fit the outfit that I made for her but it wasn't too long before she was looking so cute in the beanie and dress :D Kinda sad now though that she can't fit it anymore.
Hannah and her Dad
Cuteness to the extreme :D
Hannah and Me
She has been such a happy baby but it has been such a change that at times I've been struggling to keep up. She's so happy to play but was also very clingy to me. I could do nothing if it wasn't with her touching me, or so it seemed. A trip to the toilet would end in her screaming because I was out of her sight. I couldn't leave her to go to the shops because she would scream the whole time etc. It was an adjustment. While I did still manage to craft during that time it was limited.
I was able to do some stitching but it was mainly designs for the magazine. I started designing for
Down The Rabbit Hole from their first issue and I've managed to keep up and design as much as I could. I finished my Animal Seasons patterns and I'm looking forward to designing more aussie animals in the future. I think I have even managed to work out how to make an echidna pattern I just need to test colours!
Aussie Seasons
I've also been drawing a LOT it has been one of the things that is really easy to do with Hannah asleep on me particularly as she got bigger and started taking up more room. I drew this little guy playing cricket and just knew that I had to turn it into a cross stitch pattern as well. So this little pattern came to be. That seems to be the way most things are happening at the moment.
Cricket Owl
Then I released a few patterns just before Christmas. Some more cure animal patterns and a mermaid. These were both great fun to stitch and work on. You can find these patterns in my
etsy store.
Woodland Animals
Mermaid |
And if I remember I will do separate posts about all these patterns ...
I just need to remember that I need to do this. It's not hard to do I
just get distracted easily...
My cutest distraction
So now I'm back in the office most days and creating and making things when I do find the time. Bubs is 10 months old now and while she loves days spent with her grandparents she is wanting time with me and her siblings and Dad in the evenings.
Happy Stitching and I will see you sooner this time around :D