
Monday, 28 April 2014

Something New - April

Today is time for the 'Something New Link up party'

I want to start with the personal stuff from this month. I've had to really work hard this month to get out of my shell. We have had school holidays and I've had the kids with me most of the time. I'm also still no closer to getting a job. This isn't having a good effect on my moral. But I am going to change that.

As of last week I am getting out. I have started the couch to 5k. I managed to get through day one today and on Wednesday I'll go for the next one. I feel awesome. I have energy and feel great that I didn't let myself be defeated. That photo is about 15 minutes after finishing my running. It was awesome.

So personally, I'm going to push myself to get outside and teach myself to do something. I want to be strong and get out of myself. I can do a lot more than I let myself do!

I have also finished my Norwegian Bunad design but I haven't got it up on etsy yet. There are lots of things not done I have a list a mile long.... But I blame moral and school holidays. You run out of time during school holidays.

I do have one craft that I did do. Something very new for me to try.

I finished three paper journals using the tutorial from beautiful mess. See the posts here.

I am going to make an effort this month to get out of my shell and try more new crafts and things each week I can do it and I will.

Now it's your chance to show me what you have done new this month. Small or Large I want to see what you have tried this month. Please join in and share your stuff.

How it Works:

  1. You must link to a post about something that you have made in the month the linky party is for. So if the post is for March you should have done the 'something new' in March not January. 
  2. The post must be about 'something new' you have tried. 
  3. It doesn't have to be a special post but it has to include something new but if you want to do a special post you can. It does have to be clear though that it is something new you haven't tried before. 
  4. You have until the next linky party goes up to post your link. Which will be on the 28th of each month.
  5. It's not required but a link back would be appreciated that way other people get to look at all the awesome things we are trying. :D Feel free to use the Something New image that is at the start of this post.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Long time no see

I am finding that the less that I do the less I manage to get done. When you are constantly busy and have work you always manage to get everything done. But the more I don't work the less I seem to achieve because I'm always home. It's hard to get up and do anything. That is slowly crawling into my crafting.

It's almost time for my something new post for this month only a couple of days away and I don't really have much to talk about but I will find something. Just not right now. Now is time for crafting progress photos.

I didn't get much crochet done over the holidays because I managed to lose my crochet hook somewhere between one car and the next. It was caught between the rubber mat on the floor but it wasn't where I could use it. So I got about 30 minutes in the car on the way home after I found my hook in the dark. But that was all I managed because the yarn was in an absolute tangle. That is what you get for throwing the yarn in and out of the bag trying to find a crochet hook!

Oh I've been having fun with photo editing on my phone again. There is so much fun to be had with so many awesome programs. More fun than the half hour it took to untangle this mess!

I'm now onto the third repeat this is going to take a while!

That said I have been stitching. Not much but it does count I am working on my clouds factory solar system mobile. I can't remember if I showed you a picture of the finished sun or not so I have three pictures. The Sun and Mercury are finished and Venus is half done. I'm very unmotivated at the moment that will have to change ....

These planets look soooo cute :D Though my stitching isn't the neatest.
I'm using 4 strands on 11 count plastic canvas ( I couldn't get 14count) That I bought a whole pile for Caiden to work on.

Anyway Happy Stitching,
I will see you on the 28th for my Something New Link Party!


Wednesday, 9 April 2014

It's been a long week!

My weekend was awesome it felt great to be working again and to be out and talking to people. Though I will say that at the end of it all I was exhausted! I'm not used to doing so much!

That said since then I have been motivated to actually do some exercise and eat a BIT better. Also we got our new juicer today to replace the one that broke so I'm looking forward to some good healthy food. We got an Omega juicer that does everything from juice to nut butters and pasta. I'm hoping to start eating a lot healthier in general and less preservatives.

But since it's school holidays and I've had two crazy children home the last two days my patience is wearing very thin. I just can't sit still for very long and settle. I took them to the bookstore today as they were having an awesome sale and managed to get a bag full of books for one $18. It's the cystic Fibrosis bookstore at Nundah. They get the extra books from the council libraries and sell them at a reduced price. So it's a benefit for everyone. So the kids now have a large lot of books to keep them happy and also so do I!

I managed to pick up 6 cross stitch books for a total of $6 and one of them has Joan Elliott designs in it and another has some Teresa Wentzler.

Myth and Magic has some Teresa Wentzler 

I love the cute designs in this African book!

This one has two designs by Joan Elliott

I also picked up 3 new Terry Pratchets and a couple of other random books 

I'm also partway through a Norwegian Bunad design. I had a request for one and I've been having fun doing some research. Unfortunately a Bunad is different according to region of Norway and also what the marital/social status of the wearer is at that point in their life. I hope though I have captured the essence of the Bunad in my little character. I loved the cloth style head covering so that is the one I chose to use.

I also finished stitching my little girl in her Dirndl. I love how she turned out. Such a pretty little outfit that makes me just want to dance.

I will have to have a better look through these books and see what else I really want to stitch.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Fun with Paper

I'm trying to quickly write this post tonight before I dash to band rehearsal because I won't be available at all this weekend. I'm working the next three days which is awesome to have some work.

So don't expect any craft unless I manage something on the train.

I did manage something today though. I found an awesome journal tutorial over at A Beautiful Mess. I love their stuff but can't usually be bothered making it because I have to go out and buy a pile of stuff. This time though I had everything that was needed since I seem to collect random scrap book papers because they are so pretty and colourful and will come in handy one day.

 This one is my favourite with all the pretty butterflies that I had to cut out. Awesome colours too. Bits of purple thrown in there for fun :D

 The other reason I had to make these is I'm meant to take a notebook tomorrow so I decided that if I have to take one I may as well take a pretty one.

 You can see here how I made them. They aren't the neatest but I don't mind. They're mine and I love them.

So Happy Crafting everyone I will see you after a crazy weekend.

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