
Wednesday, 18 November 2015

I am crafting... but life....

I'm sorry to say I have no photos to show you particularly.  If you follow my instagram you will see the photos from day to day as I manage to take photos. I have just been trying to get through the days and finish and enjoy what I can. I am loving my work but I find at the moment that I don't have much energy outside it.  I'm crazy busy and am loving all the new knowledge and am thoroughly enjoying myself. It's one of those times where I realise I'm finally finding what I want to continue doing I love the accounting and should have done this first.

I will always craft and make but this will give me the opportunity to afford to make. And if I need to be working I may as well enjoy it. It's still work but it's challenging and interesting and I love it.

So this note is to say I'm going to try to post as much as possible over the next couple of months but a lot of my plans are slowing as I learn how to cope with full time work and balancing everything else. I will continue to blog because I love this place and everything it means to me and the community I'm building here I just need to work out how to make everything work.  I want to bring you quality as well as quantity and quality takes time which is in short supply.

So happy stitching my blogging friends and I will be back as often as I can over the next couple of months as I work this out. It's come at the best time and I'm so excited by all the opportunities.

Happy stitching,

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Craft Every Day: Day 11,12,13

Oh gosh I'm not doing a great job with posting everyday. I'm trying to at least make sure I keep up with my crafting and with a couple of hitches I am. Some days all I manage is two lines of knitting but I figure that's better than nothing.  Other days though I do craft the act of getting any where near my computer let alone loading stuff is waaaaaay too difficult.  As it is I'm typing this on my phone so I know the photos won't come through right. Because the app doesn't let you place photos as you go it puts them all at the end. 

Now what have I achieved these last couple of days?

As I said I've done a couple more rows of knitting but it looks pretty much the same as before. 

I baked some Banana bread on thursday night since the act of going out to band was too exhausting.  I've been dropping off to sleep on the couch at 8. I'm absolutely exhausted.  This full time work thing takes a lot out of you. That said I'm loving the job!

I also started getting organised with a pattern to make myself a couple of tops for work.  Or at least we shall see how that goes. My grand plans and all 😀 isn't washi tape the most useful tool? It works so well to keep everything all neat and tidy. The picture of the paper is me taping the pattern together.

I'm also using my new planner a lot.  It's great to see where everything goes and find uses for it.  It's not in full use yet but it's happening.  I will get photos of how I'm using it tomorrow in better light. 

I apologise for this jumbled rambling post today. It says a lot for how my head's been this week a bit everywhere!

Happy stitching,

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Craft Every Day: Day 9 & 10

So I've been keeping a little secret from everyone.  I hinted a little at it through this last week and I've been talking about how I'll have no time. Well that's entirely true. I will have no time. I started full time work this week as an accountant trainee. I kinda do some of the administration tasks at the moment and I'll take on more of the accountant stuff as the months go on and I complete my course. So crafting won't be as often as I'd like unfortunately but I will be trying to get some crafting everyday in November still. I may just be posting less frequently than I wanted to at first. 

Day 9:
I sewed the button on the back of the dress and sewed up the back seam. All I have to do now to finish it is to finish the threads off.... there are a lot of those.... I really should do that as I go!

Here is the button at the back. I got a pretty blue button from my grandma's collection. I realise that I don't have a collection of my own...hmmmm

Day 10:
I started work today so I knew I wouldn't have much head space or time to think. In working with that I cast on a Granny's Favourite dishcloth. It is such an easy pattern that you don't have to think about to do. I didn't get very far.

Happy Stitching,
I'm off to work now! 

Monday, 9 November 2015

Craft Every Day: Day 7 & 8

Day 7 

Ohk so Saturday was a bust crafting wise. I did nothing that could be called crafting. I didn't even do something like make dinner. But I have been getting highly distracted on pinterest. Gosh that website should be banned.... or at least limited so that instead of just looking I actually do.
Well I went searching through the patterns I have on my computer and found some stuff that I'll have to attemptfor myself. Is it scary how many patterns can just sit and hide on your computer?

Now time is going to become a commodity around here very soon. But I had a couple of big projects I wanted to do before the kids finished school for the year. One of them was make Lana a top out of the rest of the flower fabric. So my craft counts as finding the pattern on my computer to make her a top. This is an A line type dress/tunic with or without sleeves and I can see myself making a couple of these in various variations. Called the Norah Dress and Tunic by Mouse House Creations. 

Day 8 

I sat down and printed out a pattern in the morning and pieced it all together and taped it up. Then after lunch I started cutting and then sewing up. I didn't have enough of the blue flower fabric so I went ALL fancy and created a diagonal line down the fabric with dark blue. Even better is I managed to match up ALL the seams so they are perfect on all sides. 

I will get some better photos when it is all finished as the back seam is still open and I haven't hemmed it here at all. 

Hope you enjoyed your weekend, 

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Craft Every Day: Day 6

This is a quick post. It's the weekend and I'm running from one thing to another. I went to play make up model yesterday and I got done up all fancy. I will share photos but not right now I have to go through them properly.

I'm still fiddling with my planner and I made up a couple of washi tape cards so I don't have to carry tape around and some inserts to try different stuff,

Happy Stitching,

Friday, 6 November 2015

Craft Every Day: Day 5

Now I'm becoming a bit of a planner fanatic. Nowhere near as bad as many who have collections with more than they could ever use. But I do frequent the planner boards on facebook including a couple of Australian ones. This is awesome because when Australian specials come up you hear about them and this one I HAD to jump on. Kmart is selling a personal sized organiser for $12 which is absolutely amazing.

Now I bought this planner this morning while I was out looking for other items. Of course I didn't like it as it was and although some sections interest me others were a waste. So because it's a RING binder style I pulled out the guts and grabbed out all the dividers. I then used some paper that I had to create dividers. I traced two pieces of paper (making sure one was backwards) and cut out the dividers and glued them together. I then traced and punched the holes. The only thing I think I will do is to laminate them so they stay in better condition as they are still a little flimsy.

So there is my craft for day 5 :D nothing is quite going as planned but I'm enjoying this experiment. I do like being conscious about the crafts I am doing. It makes them mean a lot more to me.

Happy Stitching

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Craft Every Day: Day 4

I did some odd crafts yesterday. I spent a bit of time cleaning and organising and doing assignments. So in that vein my craft was organising and playing with my threads. They were in desperate need of fixing up and I was so happy to be cleaning.



So much prettier after I cleaned up the mess. That is what happens when you finish a couple of projects and start pulling the threads out of the little bags/containers they were spread around in.

I think I want to stitch again next. More doctor who or maybe something bigger.... hmmm lots of thoughts ....

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Craft Every Day: Day 3

I made it 3 days already we shall see what happens as the week goes on. Next week will be the challenge but I'm not going to explain yet.

I wanted to remind myself to calm down and breathe yesterday so out came my pens and paper.

After working on it all day on and off I finished the evening with this:

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Craft Every Day: Day 2

So I  started today at the same point I ended yesterday.

Then I went backwards. I realised that the last flower I'd stitched was 1 stitch from where it should have been and the stem wasn't lining up.

Then I finally finished here. It's getting really close to a finish for the top. 

Not sure what I'm working on for day 3 though, I may change it up. But right now I'm off to a job interview so wish me luck!

Happy stitching,

Monday, 2 November 2015

Craft Every Day: Day 1

Woohoo :D It's now November :D It's my sister's birthday today and yesterday I went to her birthday party which was all of us dressing up because it's an excuse to wear costumes. I went as a purple Alice in Wonderland. I spent a couple of hours Friday evening sewing up the apron. I love the way it turned out!

 The cat in the hat costume got a work out again. Also out came a pirate zombie ninja mask thingy. He didn't really know what or who he was.

I also started my craft every day with sitting and working on my Doctor Who Biscornu. I got some great work done on my cross stitch and it's looking amazing. I'm not far from a finish for the top at least.



What did you make today?

Happy Stitching,

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