I'm sorry to say I have no photos to show you particularly. If you follow my instagram you will see the photos from day to day as I manage to take photos. I have just been trying to get through the days and finish and enjoy what I can. I am loving my work but I find at the moment that I don't have much energy outside it. I'm crazy busy and am loving all the new knowledge and am thoroughly enjoying myself. It's one of those times where I realise I'm finally finding what I want to continue doing I love the accounting and should have done this first.
I will always craft and make but this will give me the opportunity to afford to make. And if I need to be working I may as well enjoy it. It's still work but it's challenging and interesting and I love it.
So this note is to say I'm going to try to post as much as possible over the next couple of months but a lot of my plans are slowing as I learn how to cope with full time work and balancing everything else. I will continue to blog because I love this place and everything it means to me and the community I'm building here I just need to work out how to make everything work. I want to bring you quality as well as quantity and quality takes time which is in short supply.
So happy stitching my blogging friends and I will be back as often as I can over the next couple of months as I work this out. It's come at the best time and I'm so excited by all the opportunities.
Happy stitching,