
Monday, 24 November 2014

Around the World Blog Hop

I received a lovely invite to join the around the world blog hop last week from the lovely Rhona over at Tangled Threads. I was really excited to answer the questions as I've been seeing them appearing more and more on other blogs. So here goes.

1. What am I working on?
It's more a matter of what I'm not working on. I love working on Ink Circles Baroque at the moment. It looks pretty amazing. I love all the sparkles.

 I've also been doing some crochet and having lots of fun making dishcloths.

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?

To me the big difference is how many crafts I seem to do. I'm comfortable picking up a hook or needle. I just enjoy tackling many different tasks and making whatever I can. 

I love teaching others and passing on my knowledge and sharing what I do.
3. Why do I write/create what I do?

 Because I have to make stuff. Simple as that and I need to share what I do and what I love. I can't not make things. I've tried that and it's never worked for me.
4. How does my writing/creating process work?

I just write. I'm not very good at planning things out so I just write what comes out of my head. This is sometimes a good thing sometimes not.

 Now keep an eye out for next week. On the 1st of Dec I've got two lovely bloggers joining in. I tried to get a third person but it kept falling through. 

I have shebafudge joining me I love her cross stitch and I always enjoy reading about what is happening with her. 

Also joining me is Charbella stitching she has some amazing work on her HAED designs and also finds time to knit for her daughter's barbie dolls. 

So happy stitching everyone and thank you for visiting. 


  1. You are so talented - love your work and everything you create.

  2. I love the Ink Circles piece, always happy to see more photos of that one.

    Lots of people have done this blog hop now, it must be hard finding someone who hasn't!

  3. Nice to learn a little more about you and your stitching Caitlin.


  4. Thanks so much for joining in, Caitlin! Lovely to read about you. I absolutely LOVE the fabric your using on the Ink Circles's beautiful! I agree with you totally about just having to be making something...I'm exactly the same.

  5. Great answers. Now of to think about mine :)


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