
Tuesday, 1 December 2020


Now if you follow me on Instagram or facebook you would have already heard this exciting news but for those that haven't here goes!!!

There is a new digital magazine out from Australia featuring Australian and New Zealand designers. It's called Down The Rabbit Hole and is now available to buy on their website. 

But why does this have me so excited? ?  Well one of the designs in the magazine is one of mine! They put a call out a few months ago and I answered and they accepted one of my designs!!!! Cue dancing around the room!!!! It's been a long fight to get more of my designs out there and recognised and this is absolutely great :D 

My design Summer Koala is one of the designs that you can get a hold of when you buy this magazine.

This little cutie is all ready to go swimming in the heat of summer. It's a quick little stitch and won't take you long to do.

Actually the whole magazine has so many cute designs and I am going to have to stitch a few of them. 

 Anyway I hope you enjoy this magazine and you find some cute little patterns. 

Happy Stitching, 


P.s. I wrote this two weeks ago but forgot that I hadn't posted it at all! Silly me so I will have a few posts coming out all at once as I am disorganised right now. I blame Christmas crazy already starting. I am looking forward to the christmas holidays! 

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