
Monday, 22 January 2018

Crochet blankets update

I have shared both of these projects at one time or another last year but here is where they are currently sitting and what I've got left to do.

To start with my rainbow ripple blanket using lincraft cake yarn. This photo is not entirely accurate as to how much is left on this blanket. I want to finish the rest of the third skein but it's not the ball sitting there. There was a knot in the yarn so I cut it and restarted the yarn then had to frog a bit because I made a mistake. I have about 1/2 a skein left so I'm really trying to push through and do this. My friend is overdue so I really need to get going.

I will have one more skein left which I am thinking of using to make beanies for my friend and her baby like a mother/son set. Maybe .... it really depends on my energy!

Then this one is kinda more urgent. This friend had her baby at the beginning of the month. I never claimed to be on time! Thank goodness for summer. I love working on this blanket but it got put away in the middle of my stress of uni last semester. It's a scene from Nightmare Before Christmas that I designed. I'm just working a corner to corner crochet pattern using 12 ply marvel acrylic.

This is another one where I will eventually share the pattern with you guys but it will take a bit of time. I need to get my computer running my cross stitch program again I never put it on my new computer. I will have to do that eventually.

Anyway I wanted to show you guys where I'm currently sitting with these two blankets. They should be done sooner rather than later but we shall see what happens, this is me!

Have you noticed 2 posts in a week? What is happening? I'm slightly organised :D

Happy Stitching,


  1. Beautiful crochet.....I'm still not adept at it.

  2. Love the ripple blanket! Good luck on finishing the one for your friend.

    Great to see you blogging again.


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