
Thursday, 28 November 2013

I joined a craft group

I joined a craft group on a Wednesday morning. Or at least I have until I have a job that interferes. It's great because everyone is doing different crafts but you're able to ask advise about whatever you're doing because you can. There are a couple of scrap bookers, some crochet, hexagon quilts, and beading among a lot of talking.

I have another finish though I don't actually have it anymore. I finished it in time to give away to my band to be raffled off. I will have to try to win it back. I finished the stitching last year it's one of tangled threads penguins which I still randomly LOVE to stitch. I'm glad I have such a good collection.

 I managed to find the green angel fabric on Wednesday morning just before craft group so I could finish it. I love the pretty green and trumpets. So appropriate for band!

I'm getting really good at finishing the ribbon this way! I love the effect and it always looks stunning! It takes ages though and I really get bored of doing more than 1-2 in a sitting where I could do lots of the pillow cases. It takes more concentration to do it this way!

 Also I know most of my readers are overseas but I can't resist showing off a little. We have a couple of performances coming up but this one is exciting. I got this flyer in the mail and our name is on it! The MBSO Jazz Band in the 5:25pm slot. So anyone around the redcliffe area on the 7th Dec please come visit :D I have a solo!!!!!!

Angels On High

I have been busy and designing in between stitching sessions. I have a new set of patterns to show for it and it's not just one it's 4 different angels.

I'm very excited with how these turned out. I couldn't decide what wings I liked the most so I put in all the options. Though the more I look I think the last one is the best. Although no wings looks pretty nice and then.... you can see why I have 4 options up.

You can find my angel pattern on my etsy page here please check it out. I hope you like it and the other designs.

I'm almost finished another set of designs of carolers singing I hope to get enough designs to be able to create an advent calendar or something. Though that may not happen this year!

Keep an eye out for my giveaway it will be happening in early December.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Finishing off some stuff

Since I finished some ornaments last year but never managed to finish them properly I finally decided to do some finishing today. I was in the mood.
So today I finished the Ho Ho Ho! Ornament. It's looking awesome and it's ready in time for Christmas presents this year which is even better.

 Because the front is very unsparkly so I kept to a fairly plain fabric on the back as well. I love how it has ended up :D The only thing I may do is add a button up the top in the middle but I'm not sure about that!

I've also almost finished a couple of more ornaments I'm not sure how to do the ribbon at the top for these ones ... it may end up being the same. 

They are done except for the top ribbon... it's going to take thought. 

I have also something wonderful to show you. L has been hard at work on her cross stitch and she's been working on a sampler. For a 9 year old her stitching is extremely neat!

All that's left is the border and her name :D She wants to enter it in the show next year and I think she's awesome for wanting to! 

Happy Stitching everyone, 

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Another one down!

I have been stitching away on Tia project for the last couple of days. I just wanted to Finish it. Now I have I think it will be my ornament it took too long and it's too sparkly and pretty to give away.

Without further ado I present to you Joan Elliott's Christmas angel it was one of my crazy January starts.

I used beads from my stash and just used DMC metallics. I was meant to do the tree all the same colour beads but that was too boring! I love the Colours and sparkles.

Also there is a photo of my next project I'm going to have fun and it shouldn't take me long to finish.

Happy Stitching

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Stitching I have been!

I have been stitching... in between fiddling with patterns (keep tuned because I'm planning a giveaway!)

My cousin got married at the beginning of the month so I made her a wedding sampler but didn't manage to get it done in time. I now have until Christmas to get it finished. I apologise for the quality of the photos I'm writing this on my tablet so I tried the camera on it and its not as good as my phone so we shall see.
The sampler is from the book ultimate cross stitch samplers I edited the colours a lot! I'm using an Australian hand dyed thread by country cottage gardens.

I have also been working on one of my crazy January projects one of the Joan Elliott ornaments.

I also started a new crochet project. Its a doily that I'm enjoying stitching for the pretty colours. I will also post up what my little students have been working on they're getting a lot better. Little girl wants to have her sampler finished to put in the show next year. But that will be a new post. Its interesting what I'm finding out and learning as I'm teaching her what to do!

Happy stitching!

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Selling My Patterns!

 I am so excited! I am finally selling my patterns on ETSY!!!!!! There is only one up there at the moment but I hope to have more up there later.  I'm selling my little Christmas Elf as my first pattern! I should have some more patterns up in the next week. They are finished I just need to finish doing them up nicely!


I don't know why it won't let me turn the photo.

So please go check out my shop opinions are welcome and hopefully I will have some sales :D I will have a santa pattern up soon and a gingerbread man as well!

Happy Stitching,
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