As you guys know this last year I have been really focusing on my fitness and getting stronger and fitter and generally more able to do what I want when I want to. I have absolutely fallen in love with obstacle courses and just general fitness. I know I'm happier when I take the time to get out and actively do something.
That is why when this opportunity came up it was hard to resist. I have become a brand ambassador for the company just strong. If you click this link
here you will be sent to their store and it will automatically apply the 10% discount code for you. It is an affiliate link so I do get a commission if you buy from them but you also receive a discount so.... if it interests you then please support me.
I have always been picky about what brands I choose to support here on my blog, and I want to explain some more about why I feel that this brand is worth supporting.
Since I can remember I was always given the impression that women can't be strong. That they can't have muscles and they don't have the abilities that men do. It was never implicitly stated to me but the women that surrounded me gave me that impression. Although my mum is amazing and used to be really fit most of my memories as I was growing up were of her struggling with her weight and fitness. Then through high school I had an innate fitness that managed to get me through the down times but even by grade 12 I was finding I didn't have the fitness to keep pushing through everything. I was finding that I would play softball for 6 months of the year, and get decently fit by the end of the season, then spend 6 months doing nothing only to have to start all over again. This cycle has continued for the last 10 years of my life.
Mud anyone? |
I like exercise, actually I LOVE exercise but I am one of those people who generally likes to exercise with others more often than not. About this time last year I decided that enough was enough and I needed to change right NOW or I would end up unable to move at all. I found an ad on facebook and joined a bootcamp. Since then I haven't looked back. I've done 3 obstacle courses (exhibit A above :D) and am looking to do more. I joined back up with a softball team and generally just find I function better when I'm moving and doing. So I strongly believe in the power of exercise both for my mental health and for my body.
That leads us to this company. Here is a quote directly from their website.
The squat
is the perfect analogy for life - it's about standing back up after
something heavy gets you down and what better way to present this
analogy by using it in our branding. We are here to empower and motivate
strong women from every walk of life.
We want you to never give up and to stay strong physically and mentally.
Just like the squat, our clothing is a symbol of standing back up,
fighting against any resistance life throws at you and becoming
stronger. This is the idea of where our company was born. Motivate
strong women to overcome their adversaries and embrace their strength,
no matter the source.
If this isn't exactly what I was saying before I don't know what else is? I believe that exercise is the key to feeling better about yourself both mentally and physically. Yes I will never give up my crafts but since starting to exercise again I actually have more energy to craft. I'm not saying everyone should start doing obstacle courses (though if you want to I'll be there cheering you on from the internet) but even walking every day makes a difference.
So I'm happy to support a company that believes in women being strong. I'm currently waiting for my first order to arrive and then I'll be able to share some cool clothes with you. (I may have done a happy dance when I found out just how many purple clothes they have). Sometimes it's the little things that get me out the door to bootcamp and I often like to show off my cool outfits.
Therefore if you're into fitness clothes (I have developed a weakness) and want to support me and an interesting company please click this
link or visit the Just Strong website and use the code CAITJORD10 at checkout to get 10% off your purchase. And in case you missed the disclaimer earlier this code is an affiliate code so I do get some money from every purchase you make using this code BUT with it you don't pay any extra you actually save 10% so if you are making a purchase please consider using the code.
Also please know that I won't be turning this blog into a constant fitness blog. But I will show off cool clothes and stuff happening in my life because that's what I like to do here.
Thank you and Happy Stitching,