
Saturday, 10 February 2018

Health and Fitness

If you've been around this blog for a long time you would know I've had an interesting journey with my health over the last number of years. I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, about 6 years ago now which it seems is one step away from chronic fatigue but not quite there. I am pretty much healed from that though I am constantly aware of not letting myself get too worn out. BUT one thing that I stopped doing after getting diagnosed was a lot of exercise. It all made me too tired. That habit continued and when I wasn't working for 2 years instead of getting up and doing something I generally sat on the couch each day and did not much! Not a good way to be.

The best thing that happened for me was to get a job where I could get out and do something daily. I don't think I could ever happily go back to not working. I could do with a couple of days break when the craziness of university gets too much on top of working but I love my job and the kind of work I do.

If you didn't know I am currently working as a receptionist/ trainee accountant for a small accounting firm mainly doing small business and tax work. On top of that I'm studying a Masters in Business, Professional Accounting in order to be able to get my CPA and become certified. I want to see how far I can go. BUT this doesn't leave a lot of spare time and it's generally taken up by me collapsing on the couch or in my craft room trying to eke out SOMETHING for myself!

I had already been deciding something had to change, I was putting on weight, not eating right and just feeling weaker and weaker when in November last year a special offer for a local bootcamp style gym came up in my news feed on facebook and I went yes! I started going 3 times I week (5.30am which is crazy but I'm often awake anyway.) The first day I could barely lift the 6kg kettle bell! I wasn't even able to keep holding it the whole time and had to swap to nothing. Now 3 months on I use the 8kg kettlebell without really thinking. I am realising something, it is possible to be strong as a woman. We don't have to be the weaker sex, which noone has ever really explained to me in a way that stuck. This is the first time in my life where I actually feel strong. I walk around now and feel stronger. I have energy and the ability to lift what I need to. I watch one of the other ladies working with the 16kg kettlebell and all I think is one day that will be me! I want to be strong. But it is also having an effect on other things. I can breathe better with my trumpet and actually hold notes, it's amazing how big a difference that makes.

I signed up 2 weeks ago for the 8 week challenge with my boot camp to try and boost my fitness and my weight loss. (honestly not sure how much weight I'll lose because for the first time I'm actually putting on muscle which is heavier but skinnier than fat.)

This comes to the other point of this post, I signed up for a 5 km obstacle course through mud and water. I don't know why, I must be crazy but I was so excited.

Here is me before the race started.

I was all nervous and excited at once. I was really lucky I found a group of people at the start line who saw that I was by myself and took me in and I went with them the whole time.

I surprised myself, I ended up jogging most of the 6km course, yes it was longer than the 5km they advertised. There were also 40 obstacles which does fit in the 30+ obstacles but still! I have some videos up on instagram of a couple of the obstacles but I'm not sure how to add them here soo... they're on my phone not my computer.

But I can show you a photo at the end.

We got a medal when we crossed the finish line. I went through water and up walls and stuff and through mud and tunnels. I had an absolute ball. You can see that on my face, I'm tired but happy!

I am currently comfortably sore and tired now but oh so happy with myself.

My plan going forward is to keep doing my bootcamp 2 days a week and I want to add in a park run and get better at doing this sort of thing. The bootcamp is doing Tough Mudder half in May and I'm serious about tempting it if my assignments allow. I just want to start adding more challenges, I'm taking it easy and building back up to full fitness but I am so happy to be able to move again and not be afraid of failing. I did exactly what I set out to do. I attempted all obstacles and I finished the race.

What changes have you been making with your fitness?
Have you tried an obstacle race before?

Happy Stitching,


  1. Congratulations on completing the aptly names obstacle hell race, Caitlin....that's phenomenal! I take my hat off to you for doing a 5.30 am class....I thought I was doing great getting to a 7am class, but you're amazing!Keep up the great're body will thank you for it :)

    1. 5.30 is the only one I have time for. I need to leave for work at 7 or just after so I fit in what I can. and Thank you :D

  2. Congrats on finishing the race! I think it's cool when people take steps to change their lives and it works!

    I am WAY too fat for anything like that, but I am also pretty healthy (I know, that's an oxymoron, but I actually am considering). But I also lead a pretty sedentary life since I work in IT and pretty much sit on my rear all day looking at computer screens. The only time I've ever felt physically horrible was when I lost almost 100lbs. I hurt everywhere even though I exercised, I never slept right, my blood pressure went up (and it's always been normal), even my skin hurt and don't get me started on the mental toll it took. But once I put the weight back on (or most of it), I was back to normal. Weird that, but I guess you know by now I'm pretty weird! If there ever comes a day when my health takes a turn for the worse because of my weight though, I will fix it, just probably not to the degree I did before.

  3. Congrats on doing the obstacle hell. I was out there watching my hubby and daughter run. All the competitors looked like they were having a great time.

    1. That's awesome :D I will try and get a group together for next year. My daughter and son have both said they'd love to do it.

  4. Its a wonderful post and very helpful, thanks for all this information. 


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