
Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Technology Working :D

So the technology has decided to work and the pictures are now uploaded.
The first three are the framed pieces (my first ever framed cross stitches, I did everything myself including lacing them up and framing. I'm very happy with them.) They are designs by Faye Whittaker that came with The World of Cross Stitch Magazine issue 172. They are called - Playing Fetch, Making Sandcastles, and 'Look What We Found!'.

Also my WIP is a design by Hummel called Land In Sight. Here is a picture of the chart.
And here is a picture of my work so far.
The aim is hopefully to complete this picture in time to put it in the Royal Brisbane Show as an entry in the novice category. I think I can manage it as I am making really good time. I'll keep everyone updated with how I go at getting it done. I need to put the entry in by the 25th May and it needs to be ready to submit by the 12th July. A lot of work to do before then.

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