
Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Travelling Pattern - Tending The Blooms

Now I won the travelling pattern Tending The Blooms though I didn't realise I was signing up for it.

It arrived at a really bad time! A couple of days before we were doing our big moving day. So it took me a little while to start it though the first moment I could I found the threads and got going. Now I took one look at this pattern and said I love the design but don't like the dull colours. I have never been a real fan of the dulled colours though they look pretty I like bright colours. So I picked out some new colours.

Instead of dusty pink I picked out hot pink! and because mum said why do you always have to have purple when I was picking bright purple for the flowers I changed it to blue.

I had lots of fun with this pattern trying new stitches and making it look pretty.

and here is the finished product. Lovely and bright. I did it one strand over 2 like the pattern said though if I had thought beforehand I would have changed to 2 strands but I was too lazy as well. The only thing left to do for this pattern is find a charm for the bee. That may take a while but I'm not in a rush.

Now onto the exciting news, this wonderful pattern now has to travel onto someone else. Please post on here that you are interested in receiving the pattern and I will pick someone to receive it in a week. (maybe longer because everyone seems behind on blog reading at the moment.)

Enjoy :D



  1. YES! YES! YES! I would love to stitch this pattern! Thanks.

  2. You have made a great start.

  3. Love the colour changes that you made!
    Please put me in for the chance to be the next stitcher.

  4. I like the colors you chose. Please enter me in your drawing.

  5. Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!

    LOL! Can you tell I want it bad? ^.^ Love your finish and the colour changes you've made to it.


  6. I love your colour conversion , very pretty .
    Please enter me in the drawing , thanks .X

  7. Love the colour changes you made.
    I would love to be the next stitcher - please add me to your draw.

  8. Wow! You certainly stitched it up quick, even in the middle of moving! I love your bright colors, but don't add my name to the drawing. I have more than enough WIPs right now!

  9. Your bright colors look great! Please include me in the drawing. I would love to stitch this pattern.

  10. So cute and I'd love to be the recipient of this travelling chart!

  11. What a cute pattern. I love the colors you chose. They really make the design come to life. Please enter me in the drawing if it not too late. Have a great day!


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