
Monday, 25 June 2012

Very Late June WIPocalypse :D

Well with the move and everything I may have totally forgotten my June WIPocalypse post and it's almost time for the July one!

I have been busy just not really stitching on my big projects much because I don't have the time to sit much.

For afternoon tea you've already seen this photo but I may as well show you again :D it's so pretty with one page finished!

Now please excuse the really bad photos it's pouring down rain here and it's hard to get decent light.

I have worked on Jardin Prive. Not much as I have been trying to work on Geisha Girl and another project which I will tell you about tomorrow!

You can see the shadow of my hands at the bottom ... as I said really bad picture but you get the idea. I noticed something though when I was reading the letters in the alphabet. They have missed out a letter. Can anyone guess which one?

On an exciting note I have FINISHED Geisha Girl!

I am soooo happy about this piece. Working on evenweave which I love working on and it was much easier than the small girl I think the bigger count helps! and the evenweave not linen. I really don't like linen much!

I am going to finish this one into a needle book as I have nothing to keep my needles in. I really need to find some decent quality wool felt.

So those are the main projects that I have been working on and I have one more little finish to show you tomorrow.

All the best.


  1. All of the projects looks great. :) It looks like you have managed to do quite a bit even with being so busy and stuff. Good luck on finishing with the move.


  2. Whoops. Is it J? Great progress!

  3. I think the H is missing!
    Nice geisha!
    Succes with finding a job, it is hard everywhere in this world...

  4. You made some lovely progress =)
    Sometimes time is just flying by, but it's wonderful to see your stitching again =)

  5. The Geisha girl looks adorable!!

    Great job on all your projects :)

  6. Aiks! I need to get my June WiPocalypse post up too. You're not the only one who's late. And I don't have any excuse. At least you could blame it on the move :P

    On some samplers (especially ones that are or designed to be prior to mid 1700s), the letters J and U are missing because Roman alphabets had neither of them, their places being filled by I and V. In this case however, I see the U is present :)


  7. Looking good Caitlin. I love your little Geisha girl. She's darling. And for some reason I can't remember atm, they often leave off the letters J and U from samplers. I wish I could remember the reason, but I sure can't.

  8. Lookin' good and making great progress!


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