
Tuesday, 4 November 2014

October Wrap Up - What's coming for November

It's now a couple of days into November but I still want to wrap up my goals and motivations for October and see how I have gone. In mid September I wrote a post about what motivates me to craft I find that a big motivator for me is being around people who craft and joining in with activities and events that others do.

Here were the goals I decided on for the end of October

1. Start and Finish another unit of my course in 3 weeks like I am meant to.
2. Do another 2 colour rotations on my blanket. So this is at least 24 colours. This is doable by the end of October.
3. Finish the square on Baroque that I'm currently working on.
4. Start the Christmas gifts. I think I know what I'm making this year and I need to get them started or else no one is getting anything!
5. Post every Wednesday at least with a summary of my on the go projects. 

So how did I do? 
1. Well I didn't finish the unit BUT I am working on it and currently having a mini break to write this post before diving back into the assignment. It's actually moving forward!
2. I did get one colour rotation done but didn't start the second this is for a couple of reasons... one is my lovely purple diamond top it is highly distracting and it's not helped by the fact its starting to get quite hot here and it isn't pleasant to work on during the heat of the day.
3. Sorry didn't do well with this either ... had issues with needles breaking and I need to go buy a whole more cross stitch needles and simply put I'm slightly obsessed with dishcloths at the moment!
4. Started and having a ball :D I'm making the face cloths/dishcloths for Christmas this year... guys and girls they're all getting cloths.
5. This one I managed to do. I have been enjoying posting each week and finding that I want to do something to post. It is great to post more often.

Looking back at my goals I didn't achieve all I wanted to BUT because I started a couple more projects I kinda threw some of my goals out the window and enjoyed every moment of it!

I'm not going to write up goals for November I'm going to write up goals to achieve by Christmas... this is all stuff that will be worked on until Christmas and then I will work out what's happening for the new year.

1. Keep going and finish at least one unit and start another. I should be able to finish two units before Christmas the one I'm working on and a new one.

2. Keep posting EVERY Wednesday, I've been liking the weekly WIP Wednesdays but coming up to Christmas there may be a lot more little finishes appearing I hope.

3. I want to add another weekly posting day something on a Friday and maybe another day but I just have to work out what it is before Friday... I have lots of ideas going through my head and I think you'll enjoy it.

4. This one is really important in the run up to Christmas I am having a MAJOR blog overhaul! I will be re designing my logo and then everything to match it. I will also be going through and fiddling with everything to hopefully make it a much smoother experience to visit my blog. I will be talking more about this as the month goes on and I figure out what exactly I'm going to do.

You can see here there are no particular goals with completing any one project. With Christmas coming up my goal is to get all the projects done that need to be completed before Christmas done. This means many dishcloths but also some cross stitch thrown in there. It will be a wonderful Christmas!

So stay tuned and ready for something special on Friday and I will keep you updated about the changes as they happen.

Happy Stitching,


  1. I'm looking forward to reading your posts Caitlin.


  2. You still did well with last months goals, lets hope you do the same from now until Christmas :)

  3. I think I might try having some monthly goals next year to try and keep my stitching in some kind of order and maybe actually make good progress on some projects.

    Well done on the goals that went well for you this month.


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