
Monday, 13 May 2019

Book Review: War of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

If you have spent any time around me you would know that one of my big book weaknesses is fantasy. Especially epic fantasy. I enjoy a great romance, I love a great cozy mystery/crime novel but my heart just LOVES a great epic fantasy. I think it is because of the worlds. I love to disappear into these worlds and imagine the people and the way they live. My partner finds it fascinating that when I read a book that truly grips me I just disappear into it and you won't see me for days. On so many things I will flit from one item to the next without spending ages on it, but for books I will remain enthralled until I turn that last page. So why is that so important? Well I embarked on an epic novel last week. I started by listening to the audiobook which I had got with my audible credit. That was about Wednesday I think at work. I then proceeded to listen to it for about 6 hrs each day at work until my headphones ran out of battery and then I would charge them ready for the next go. I could barely put my phone down when I was in a situation that I could just listen to it by myself. This meant hiding in the bedroom with the book going.

Then on Sunday I managed to pick up the second half of the book from the Library. Oh gosh! Then it was on for young and old! To understand the size of this task, this book is 1000 pages long. 70 something chapters! It is often sold in 2 separate volumes because it is such a big book. Now I'm going through book withdrawal... I want to get onto the next book in the series but at the same time I really can't as I don't currently have a copy of it. I am scouring the Libraries at the moment and I think I can get ahold of one soon :D

Anyway I have included my spoiler free review from goodreads below. But if you haven't work it out yet I LOVED this book. If you like epic fantasy then you will like this one.

The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive, #1)The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I started off by reading it on audio book and then managed to get to the Library and binge read the rest of it last night. I loved the audio book it was easy to listen to and got me over the start which apparently is hard to read for some people. This is the 7th book of his I have read and every time I read one I am drawn in by the detail he puts in his stories. There is so much that happens at the beginning of the book that you realise is really important to the end. I liked that fact that all the stories are slowly drawing themselves closer and closer and you have an inkling of where it might end up. Though if it follows the way the first mistborn trilogy went there will be so many twists and turns you won't be able to predict it!

I am really excited to see where this series goes though I'm nervous too because I really dislike waiting between books in big series.

My favourite character was Kalladin and I really look forward to seeing what else happens with him in future books.

View all my reviews

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