
Monday, 24 February 2020

Craft Every Day week 6&7&8

It's been a bit of crazy 3 weeks and with going back to university I have kinda been avoiding my computer a little bit and have been delayed in posting this update. I go back tonight so I figured I had better get this update up ASAP!

I have been really good though I did have a couple of days off between James feeling sick and then I got sick and honestly just enjoying reading instead of anything else I enjoyed a couple of days without putting pressure on myself. But I came back out of that more energised and feeling better about creating. It wasn't that I didn't want to create I just think being sick meant I was worn down and just needed to not do at all. BUT the thing I find really interesting is although I wasn't creating I turned to books instead of my phone and I didn't just zone out into the TV which is kinda one of the things I'm trying to encourage in myself with this challenge so I count it as a win.

I'm just going to sum up my projects over the last 3 weeks as there are a lot of repeat photos of projects and some thoughts on new projects.

It's been three weeks with the peppermint purple SAL and I've made some great progress! I'm loving how it's turning out!

My shawl is coming along nicely and I am constantly drawn to it at the moment. Depending on timing I think it will only be a couple more weeks and I will get this one done. I think I have only another repeat or two of the pattern before I run out of yarn anyway!

You can see my book obsession coming out in this post... I've read this one Georgette Heyer book These Old Shades many times over the years and I still love it. Then I moved on to Stephanie Laurens, it appears I was in the mood for a lot of historical romance styles.

Each repeat of the pattern is 12 rows but each row is longer than the one before because of an increase on one end.

I'm working on the game board for my tic tac toe game and if I can get the stitching done ASAP I hope to have the pattern out in the next week. But as I mentioned earlier University goes back tonight so we shall see how I go with that one!

 Also got a few of my old patterns out to show off when I went to a cross stitch meeting over the weekend and realised that I had never released the norwegian girl. So I'm going to have to do some work and get this one ready to release. Hopefully *fingers crossed* in the next couple of days.

I also had a mild request for more jungle animals /faeries in this style of character.... so I may have to fiddle a little bit and make that happen. Again time and mood pending!

Happy Stitching,

p.s. I intend to make these posts weekly again but please understand that uni gets kinda crazy. If you do want to see more regular posts you can follow me over on instagram as @naughtscrossstitches.


  1. Love the colours in your shawl and such a pretty pattern. Peppermint Purple SAL is looking good too.

  2. The blackwork Sampler is growing nicely. I like your colour choice.
    The shawl is beautiful too.


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