
Thursday, 7 May 2020

Owl Tic Tac Toe

   Owl Tic Tac Toe Board Game

This one has been a while coming. Honestly I have been meaning to release this one for a long while but the last few steps to finishing the board were just taking me ages! Partially because l was getting bored with one colour and partially just because I kept putting it down. Amazing how easy it is to forget a project that is in a bag you haven't opened for weeks. Which is just what happened what little time I've had has been taken up by other projects and a whole lot of school and work.

On the board game front I designed and stitched up a nine men's morris board and you can find the info about that here.

Then I designed a checkers board to match the other game and it's available from my facebook group as well.

Now here we are. I have finally finished stitching the board and managed to get some photos of it which is often the harder part! They're even beautifully staged. Which took AGES !!! Do you know how hard it is to get a phone to focus and just take the photo? Particularly once I realised how dirty the camera was.

I love how this one has turned out. I still have a lot of stitching to do to finish the rest of the pieces but it looks so awesome!

Owl Tic Tac Toe

Just letting you guys know all my patterns come in Black and White and Colour versions. So they are easy to print out but also easy to use on a phone or computer. They come in PDFs and this pattern comes with instructions on how to finish the game board and pieces. 

I hope you like this pattern and that you enjoy playing the game. 

Happy Stitching, 

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