
Saturday, 23 July 2011

The Show

So the show is today and tomorrow though it is almost tomorrow less than 2 hrs to go!

There was some beautiful art work. The quilts were amazing, the paintings gorgeous and of course the cross stitch was stunning. (I'm not biased at all).

Here are my frogs on display!
And a view of All Our Yesterdays

I didn't win any prizes, I talked to the lady and her comment was that they were too small. Not big enough to win against some of the bigger works.

Here's the big winner
The cats were gorgeous I had a look at them and the detail is pretty. There isn't much I could do against that! Here are some other works that I liked.

This also won first in another category
A pretty pillow :D
So now I know what to do for next time. Make it bigger but not too big that I'm not allowed to display it at all.
These cards caught my friends eye
The cards are stitched. Where you use the thread to make the shapes you want it to.

As the day wore on out came the fireworks :D I just had to try to take photos and I don't think I did too badly.
So with a lovely end to the day I have got on here put up the post full of lovely photos and I hope to win next time!

Night night,


  1. your work is beautiful whether you win or not! happy stitching!

  2. yeah and I did kinda win, the prize for everyone who didn't get a ribbon was $20 vouchers to fix-a-frame so I have $80 worth of framing vouchers!


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