
Friday, 15 July 2011

Update: To Have and To Hold

Well I am well and truly onto the backstitch. One colour is all done. Actually all the backstitch around the flowers and leaves is done, now the only parts are the words and the design of the 2 people. I love watching this come together.

To Have and To Hold - 13-7-11
Yes I know that says the 13-7 I lost my camera for a couple of days and I haven't done any work on it since then. That and I've been really sick. One of the kids has given me a gastro bug, thankfully I'm over it now but.....

 Anyway I took my entry into the Ekka on Tuesday but I have to wait a month to find out whether I've won. That was the Land In Sight. I also took my form up today to the local show, to hand it in. I'm putting the frogs and the AOYs in there. It is so exciting. That show is next weekend the 23rd and 24th of July so I don't have to wait as long to find out. I will make sure I take my camera and take lots and lots of pictures!


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