
Thursday, 6 October 2011

Goals and Plans

Well my September goals were pathetic!

  • I want to finish 4 Christmas things that is with the designs totally finished so I can use them immediately! - I FINISHED 1! I have another waiting for a card but I don't have any cards at the moment.
  • Get a page done on Boxers - I'm not sure whether I've done this or not. I've kinda been going over all three pages to get the dogs done rather than go page by page. It was too hard just to follow a page.
  • Start the JE (still need to get fabrics and threads they are winging their way here at the moment) - I have the fabrics and threads and will start it on Saturday when I get my Q snap frames for my birthday.
  • Post up my own charts as freebies. (almost there once I can work out how to get the chart to the internet!) - Still have program and printer problems so this hasn't happened
  • Design another Australian christmas design. - Nothing new designed this month too much work to do on Boxers!

October Goals:

  • Finish another Boxer
  • Start the JE
  • Buy the fabric and possibly the threads for the Afternoon Tea HAED (I'm going to a craft show at the end of October)
  • Finish Christmas Kisses just the back stitch to go
  • Start my christmas presents. (I have bought a whole pile of Rhona's penguins and I am going to make little christmas ornaments out of them.)

As I just said in my goals I bought a whole pile of penguin designs from Tangled Threads and here is her shop

They are so cute and with the ones I have from the christmas magazine I bought last year I have enough to pick from to make up ornaments. I'm really excited about it. It will be a fairly easy and fun present for my family without having to spend a tonne of money on people I rarely see!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking to my website! Good luck making your ornaments...looking forward to seeing how you finish them!


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