
Thursday, 28 November 2013

Angels On High

I have been busy and designing in between stitching sessions. I have a new set of patterns to show for it and it's not just one it's 4 different angels.

I'm very excited with how these turned out. I couldn't decide what wings I liked the most so I put in all the options. Though the more I look I think the last one is the best. Although no wings looks pretty nice and then.... you can see why I have 4 options up.

You can find my angel pattern on my etsy page here please check it out. I hope you like it and the other designs.

I'm almost finished another set of designs of carolers singing I hope to get enough designs to be able to create an advent calendar or something. Though that may not happen this year!

Keep an eye out for my giveaway it will be happening in early December.

Happy Stitching,


  1. sweet, sweet, sweet angels :)
    Just like you my heart goes to the last one :)
    I'm off to have a look at your shop...


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