
Friday 25 April 2014

Long time no see

I am finding that the less that I do the less I manage to get done. When you are constantly busy and have work you always manage to get everything done. But the more I don't work the less I seem to achieve because I'm always home. It's hard to get up and do anything. That is slowly crawling into my crafting.

It's almost time for my something new post for this month only a couple of days away and I don't really have much to talk about but I will find something. Just not right now. Now is time for crafting progress photos.

I didn't get much crochet done over the holidays because I managed to lose my crochet hook somewhere between one car and the next. It was caught between the rubber mat on the floor but it wasn't where I could use it. So I got about 30 minutes in the car on the way home after I found my hook in the dark. But that was all I managed because the yarn was in an absolute tangle. That is what you get for throwing the yarn in and out of the bag trying to find a crochet hook!

Oh I've been having fun with photo editing on my phone again. There is so much fun to be had with so many awesome programs. More fun than the half hour it took to untangle this mess!

I'm now onto the third repeat this is going to take a while!

That said I have been stitching. Not much but it does count I am working on my clouds factory solar system mobile. I can't remember if I showed you a picture of the finished sun or not so I have three pictures. The Sun and Mercury are finished and Venus is half done. I'm very unmotivated at the moment that will have to change ....

These planets look soooo cute :D Though my stitching isn't the neatest.
I'm using 4 strands on 11 count plastic canvas ( I couldn't get 14count) That I bought a whole pile for Caiden to work on.

Anyway Happy Stitching,
I will see you on the 28th for my Something New Link Party!



  1. Looks good! The mobile will be brilliant when it's finished...keep going!

  2. Wow lots of tangled yarn, I don't envy you trying to get that under control :( Love the mobile pieces, I think your stitching look great!!

  3. Wow that is a big tangle of yarn. I don't envy you trying to get a handle on that :( I love the little mobile pieces, I think your stitching looks great!!

  4. The mobile looks sweet, I'm looking forward to seeing that finished.

    It is hard to keep the stitches neat on plastic or paper but your's look fine.

  5. Oh dear alot of yarn ..
    Sweet stitches
    Big hugs x


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