
Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Mittens Galore

Well I was going to make a pair of fingerless mittens for myself and that fell through well more than fell through I have to make a black pair to perform in and I needed to test out the pattern. Soooo I tested out the pattern on some 8ply blue yarn with size 4mm needles. The problem was that doing so made a perfect mitten for a little girl.

So I wasn't allowed to leave it at just one I had to make a pair :D and I think they do look awesome and she has been wearing them non-stop!

They are just a little bit dirty after a week of wear! Though these photos are from the first day so they still look clean!

BUT after finishing her pair the little boy wanted a pair for himself and I couldn't say no to his cute little face so I made him a green pair.

 Here it is with one finished and the other half started. It really doesn't take long to make a mitten when you actually sit down and knit. It's just at the moment I keep getting distracted by everything and anything. Life is getting stressful so sitting down and knitting is really hard because I'm so restless all the time.
 Despite that I took the time to sit last night and finish them off. He was so excited to get to wear his mittens :D I think I've done an awesome job and they have improved a lot from the first pair.

So now I can settle and do my own pair. I'm using a yarn called Biscay by Moda Vera that is 70% Acrylic and 30% Alpaca. It's so lovely and soft and using the bamboo needles is so much nicer than the metal ones. So this is the start of the first glove and we will see if with everything else happening I can get it done by Sunday morning.

I keep alluding to everything else and I know I've kinda talked about it before but I want to talk about it now.
I leave for a music tour to New Zealand in less than a week now and I'm getting kinda excited about it. I will be away for 10 days and hopefully will be able to post pictures while I'm away.

BUT to add to the stress at the moment we are STILL looking for a place to live. We have been given a two week extension until the 14th of July but we NEED to find a place ASAP. It just isn't happening very quickly or easily. Hopefully something will pan out this week before I go away. But it's the reason no decent stitching or anything is happening in this house because that takes way too much effort.

Best Wishes and Happy Stitching everyone please wish us luck in our search,


  1. It's all happening for you at the moment. Good luck with everything and the mittens look great:)

  2. Aww they all so cute..
    Big hugs x

  3. All your creations are lovely -

  4. Very cool mittens and good luck with the music tour and finding a new place to live. I'm sure it will all work out.


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