
Sunday, 6 July 2014

New Zealand :D

Well we have been travelling around New Zealand for 7 days now and we have three more to go.

We started in Auckland and spent a couple of days playing around in that area. It was great to experience though we didn't do much of the tourist thing. Then we travelled south towards rotorua. This was amazing because on the way we passed through Hobbiton. Yes if you're a LOTR fan I went to HOBBITON!!!! I loved it it was an awesome experience and I was very hyper for the rest of the day.

 I got many photos in front of various hobbit holes :D I had fun enjoying the site despite the weather. It didn't know whether it wanted to rain or not.
 Though when we got to Bag End it started to really rain!
I stood at the gate of BAG END!!!!!!

To finish the tour off we had a drink in the green dragon.

Then we moved onto Rotorua where we got to visit the Geysers.

But boy does that town stink of sulphur.

I have more photos from the snow as well but I think this is enough for the moment. Hope you enjoy them.


  1. Wow it's so beautiful and so much fun :)
    Big hugs x

  2. Looks like a fun trip Caitlin. Great pics.


  3. What a fun trip. Lee sent me some leaflets about Hobbiton when I won her recent giveaway. I'd love to visit the area, and yes I would have my photo taken in front of every hole too!

  4. So very jealous of your trip to NZ. I spent 4 weeks there 10 years ago and would go back tomorrow if I could. Had my tattoo done in Rotorua by a tattooist named Elvis:-) Hope you have a lovely time for the last few days.

  5. OH MY! LOVE the Hobbit Holes. Awesome pictures. Can hardly wait for more.

  6. Amazing!! I would love to go to Hobbiton, your so lucky!!

  7. Wow visiting Hobbiton looked so fun even if it was raining. What great experiences you are having!


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