
Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Special finishing Wednesday

Ohk so it's not a WIP Wednesday today I have a special finish to show off. My friend had her baby shower on the weekend and I spent my time from Thursday sewing desperately to finish the chevron quilt. I have had the top finished for a couple of weeks now but it's taken this long for me to actually finish it. I wrote an interesting post about finishing items over on AndSewWeCraft this week. As you probably realise the more time I spend here talking to you that I am hopeless about finishing off projects.

Most stuff is left in the last stages, just sitting and waiting for me to make the last moves and finish. BUT I finished a whole pile of stuff in the last week, ends sewn in on my dishcloths and a quilt and toy FINISHED!!!!!

I used a black homespun on the back with a couple of rows of the patterns from the front. I followed the chevron pattern with the quilting and I love the effect on the back of the quilt.

Oh and you may notice the awesome giraffe poking out over my shoulder. I also spent the day Saturday making up a giraffe for her as well. I fell in love with Funky Friends Factory patterns again she has so many awesome awesome patterns and they are so easy to follow. It looks so much more complicated that it actually is.

So today is not a WIP Wednesday it's a special finishing Wednesday because I have ticked a couple of projects off my list.

Happy Stitching,


  1. Congrats on the pretty finishes Caitlin.


  2. Beautiful quilt, Caitlin! And the giraffe is so darned cute!!!!!!!

  3. Love love love your quilt and the giraffe is adorable:)

  4. You're so talented! Your quilt is beautiful and I love that giraffe. You're right, it does look complicated.

  5. Wow! The quilt and giraffe are both so beautiful! You're very talented; I'm sure they will be loved for many years.

  6. Congratulations on two great finishes. The quilt is lovely and the giraffe that thinks it is a pirate's parrot is cute too!

  7. Love the quilt and giraffe! The colors are so pretty. Great work!

  8. Love the quilt and giraffe! The colors are so pretty. Great work!

  9. Love the quilt and giraffe! The colors are so pretty. Great work!


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