
Wednesday, 24 June 2015

WIP Wednesday

So I have done a lot on my blanket since it was last shown to you. Here is was below.

Now today I have added ten more colours to the blanket. Though technically I'm still working on the same purple that I was last time. Cool Coincidences.

Don't the colours just look amazing!

I had to do some close ups of some of the colour combos. I wish you could see the way the colours show up in real life. It is really something.

 I love the latest section I'm working on with the cool greens and blues with the purples mixed in. Each section of the blanket is looking different and different colours are calling to me.

Happy Stitching,


  1. I find that sometimes turning off the flash when taking pictures helps to keep the colors true, that being said, I thing yours are beautiful in your pictures. Great job.

  2. This is looking great. Great Job. :)

  3. This is looking great. Great Job. :)

  4. This is looking great. Great Job. :)

  5. Beautiful! I must have missed you starting this. Is it your own design? The colour combinations are great.

  6. It's looking great! Love your colour choices.

  7. Lovely crochet so neat and colourful

  8. Very colorful! You are a good crocheter - all your stitches look so tight!


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