
Friday, 11 September 2015

Hexie Bowl

This past week I signed up to do some test sewing for a lovely lady from one of my facebook groups. She blogs over at SewTodayCleanTomorrow. I have been eyeing off this pattern as she put it together and when the opportunity came to sew it I jumped at the chance.

So there I was having my first go at English Paper Piecing. I glued up a pile of hexagons in pretty blue to match my mother's planner. I then set about sewing it up and having a fun time.

Of course I couldn't stop at just one. I made one in my music fabrics figuring that would make an awesome raffle gift. I made it a bit steeper and found it a bit harder to put the inner lining in. But you just work slowly around the bowl. For this second one I changed up the pattern of the lighter hexies and made them sit on top of all the red ones. I love how it turned out.

Then I had to try one that was washable. So using the heavy weight vilene that I had bought for my stichidori's I used it to make another bowl. I ironed the cut out hexies onto the fabric and then cut them out like I would the cardboard ones. Then I folded and glued the fabric down like normal.... though my iron also helped with this part. Then it was just a matter of putting it together like normal.

I now have 3 bowls.... though only one will be staying here.... so I had better go and make some more.

If you want to buy the pattern you can buy it directly here and if you want a quick fun little pattern give it a go. You will have a ball making lots of hexie bowls. I know I keep trying new things and colours and fiddling with wadding and stuff to make different effects. They are entirely addictive.

Maybe the pattern should come with a warning... it's addictive once you start you can't stop... Honestly well worth the price of the pattern and so useful too. You could spend hours getting distracted by fun hexagons but it's a project that is completed quickly unlike a blanket.

Happy Stitching,


  1. Oh, wow, those are too cool!! But I can't sew :-( I'll just drool over yours.

  2. Gorgeous. I love your bowls. Thanks so much for the great pattern review and for taking the time to test :D

  3. Wonderful bowls.
    Greetings, Manuela

  4. Gorgeous bowls - I don't need another hobby so I daren't try them...!


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