
Monday, 21 September 2015

September IHSW

I was surprisingly organised this weekend... actually nothing to do with organised and everything to do with actually noticing the posts going up and paying attention to the weekends. It was International  Hermit and Stitch Weekend this past weekend and I actually settled down on Saturday and stitched.

Now as some of my long time readers know I joined the Crazy January Challenge in 2013 so a LOOOOOONG time ago. Most of the little starts are still unfinished and I've decided to make it my goal over the next couple of months to actually finish them. It shouldn't take long and will be lots of fun. I still love the designs which is why I started them in the first place.

So this one is from the Cross Stitch Collection October 2012 and is one of three gingerbread men.
At the beginning of the weekend it looked something like this...

and then after this weekend it looks awesome!!! It's now finished!

Happy Stitching, 


  1. Very nice! Looks like you made the most of your hermitting. I still have several CJC pieces left from last year and this - I didn't join before then else I would have more!

  2. Great finish! I did OK with my 31 pieces, I think over half will be finished by the end of the year.


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