
Monday, 4 January 2016

My Goals for 2016

Oh Gosh! We got here! Thank you all so much for your comments on my My Word post. It was hard to talk about but it felt really great getting it out there. I try to only post happy stuff on this blog and to keep it positive and somewhere I can be happy as my craft is always something I fall back on when I'm upset. I want it to be a positive and this year I have a lot that I want to achieve.

So enough of the random talk and onto my goals. They are quite particular this year. My word is to learn and some/a lot of my craft goals are going that way as well.

  1. Learn how to make lots of different patterns of clothes for myself. I want to create a wardrobe I can enjoy wearing. 
  2. Complete a row of Afternoon Tea. I worked on this over the holidays and I absolutely loved it. I miss working on it when I put it away.
  3. Simplify my crafts. - Oh I'm not really going to change much of what I do. But sometimes I just need to work on one or two crafts not ten over the week. I have a couple that I can take to work a small cross stitch, a knitted dishcloth and some simple drawings. Then I want to focus on my big projects at home. My big cross stitch and my clothes sewing. 
  4. Enjoy and learn as much as I can. My big learning project this year is sewing. I have so much to learn about and so much to try that I have never tried. I look forward to so much of it. 
  5. Craft somehow somewhere everyday. I wasn't the best about posting through November but I thoroughly enjoyed my craft every day goal. It was good to do something. As much as possible I want to share as often as I can. 

I also have other goals. 

  1. Finish my Diploma of Accounting
  2. Learn as much as I can from my work. Keep learning everyday.
  3. Learn how to let the little things go. I want to enjoy the big things and let the little worries go, 

It's going to be a great year :D I want to really embrace learning and growing this year. I don't want to be stagnant I've done that the last couple of years and I didn't enjoy it. So now I'm out and watch out. I am ready to ROCK!

Happy Stitching, 


  1. Great post - hope you achieve all your aims for this year!

  2. Great goals and I'm sure you'll get them all done! Good luck!

  3. They sound like great goals! Good luck with them all. xx


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