
Friday 8 March 2019

Friday finds: Homebody Sweater

Ohk I did say back when I started this last year that this was going to become a regular thing but it just didn't work out like that. However, I have found that the more regularly I write and post the better I feel about writing and posting. The words come easier the more I write and I figure that's a good thing to keep practicing as I have two big 1000 word assignments this semester.

So onto my Friday find for this week! Not a video, I am currently obsessed with this pattern.

The Homebody Sweater

Photo courtesy of MegMadeWithLove
So obsessed actually that I have started making it for myself! Yes I am actually CROCHETING an item of clothing that isn't a shawl or beanie! I really found myself liking this style of clothing last winter and enjoying the sort of lazy jumpers that you just throw on at home and lounge around in.

Now being me of course I am not doing it in boring grey... no I'm doing it in purple. I have three skeins of Value Spot Saver yarn from Spotlight and we shall see if it is enough. Actually thinking of heading to spotlight and getting either another skein or another colour to create a contrasting stripe.

My Homebody Sweater in purple

The colour is really not accurate but it's such a deep purple that getting an accurate shot is going to take time. But here is the start of my homebody sweater. Who else is tempted by this pattern or one of the other ones on her website? They are all free as well so really easy to access.

Hope you enjoyed this Friday Finds.

Happy Stitching,


  1. Purple is the official colour of International Womens Day - today! You have nailed it on all counts. Congratulations and happy IWD 2019.
    Wren x

  2. Entirely unintentional but kinda cool. With me it is always about the purple so....


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