
Thursday 10 October 2019

Acrylic Owl Painting

One thing the kids beg for again and again... actually really only Lana but she does beg for this a lot, are canvases to paint. They LOVE painting and it's something I am happy to indulge and encourage.

So when I got up Sunday morning they had taken over the table and had already painted a few paintings. So instead of curling up with my cross stitch I decided to settle myself at the table as well and join them.

I had an absolute ball painting away and ended up spending longer than they did painting just one painting. I just wanted it to be special and done right. So with pencil I carefully drew an outline of my owl and then I filled in the background.

Here it is in progress ... I love the effect that I managed to get in the background. Would you believe that is only TWO colours! A blue and a lime green and then a little bit of mixing between the two of them.

Once I got all the colour on I carefully outlined with a thin brush and black paint. I am so proud of this finished piece. I have it resting at the moment against the wall but I look forward to varnishing it up and working out how to actually display it properly! What do you think?

Happy Stitching,

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