
Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Me and my Knitted Bunny

I had to get dressed up for work :D So this is my idea of dressing nice to impress. I think I managed it but still in a very me way. I don't do fancy fancy. But I even managed lipstick and mascara. I did feel good all day. I've also been doing some work trying to get my hair to curl more. I have hair that is naturally wavy and I'm trying to bring that out rather than making it straight. It is a bit of a process but I'm liking how my hair is reacting. 

My bunny is all finished. Except for a few threads to sew in. She's all wonky and weird but I love how she turned out. I have been working on this project since 2015... so it has been WAAAY too long for such a simple finish. Particularly since all I had left to do were the arms! 

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get the eyes to look the same but it still works. Now all I need to do is make a little pinafore dress for her and it will be perfect :D 

I hope you don't mind the lack of cross stitch at the moment. I haven't been settled enough to do much stitching and I find either knitting or crochet helps when I'm in this mood. I do have some designs that I have been playing with though ... I'm kinda excited to see how they turn out! 

Happy Stitching, 


  1. Ah, you're one of the lucky ones with curly hair, I have to pay for mine! That's an adorable photo of you.
    The bunny turned out beautifully, I think her eyes look just fine.

    1. Not as much as I'd like... I'm using the curly girl method (with a few modifications for my more wavy hair) and it works it is just a lot of time. Thank you about the bunny :D she is cute... and really that's all that matters!


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