
Wednesday, 21 May 2014

My new challenge

I kind of hinted at this last post but didn't say what this would be. So today here is my confession.

I spent hours at spotlight on Saturday with my friend because she wanted to make a dress. Weeeeellllll I may have been distracted by all the pretty patterns and the awesome 30% of fabric and 50% off patterns BUT I was drawn into the hype.

 So I bought a pattern for a gorgeous dress. I decided to make the dress on the right. I started looking at fabrics. I was drawn to some gorgeous browns to make a lovely sedate dress. I wanted something versatile ... then I saw this fabric below!
Once I saw that fabric there was no going back! That was my dress!  Gorgeous purple with polka dots and teal trims! I couldn't resist. The fabric was just calling to me ... make me...make me ... make me.

So over the next number of weeks between cross stitch and crochet I will have to work on making up my dress. This is going to be a bit of a challenge for me but I will see how it goes.

happy stitching,


  1. Lovely pattern and fabby. I look forward to seeing your progress. I enjoy dress making just don't get round to doing it very often. Though your project may spurn me into doing one myself :)

  2. Those colours look really good together , it'll make a lovely summery dress. I love dressmaking but just don't have the time at the moment, so I can live vicariously through your updates haha !!

  3. I love the fabric and the pattern. Good luck to you - sewing a dress is wwwaaaayyyy out of my comfort zone :)

  4. Great choice. Look forward to seeing the dress:)


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