
Sunday, 25 May 2014

Will you Join me?

Well after a lovely response from Pull The Other Thread to my post about my new challenge I'm putting forward a proposition to everyone.

Will you join us?

This is just a trial image if anyone can make a better one feel free :D

I know a lot of people like to make clothes while to others it is a bit of a challenge/NEVER attempted. Now I'm willing to count it if you want to knit /crochet a jumper instead of sewing something but I think a scarf is cheating :D

 But I would like to invite everyone who wants, to join me in an enormous sewing bee. It is to get those patterns out that we buy the fabric for and go I will make that dress for myself/my child/my husband (if your husband is into dresses). It doesn't have to be a dress though that is on my mind because I'm making myself a dress. If you have always wanted to get up the courage to make a dress or shirt or whatever now is the time. If you join up the great thing is having a group of people who when you get into trouble should at least be able to help you with some of our knowledge.

SO If you are interested link up now. I want to see what others are making and be inspired to complete at least one wonderful dress.

I'd like to post every two weeks starting from this coming Monday. Though the starter post will be open from now.

Please join up and see what we can do together.

Happy Stitching


  1. I can't wait to see everyone's progress on this - what a great idea. I don't have any patterns so will give it a miss. As you know I struggle to stitch a straight line let alone anything else! I hope you all have fun XX

  2. What a fabulous idea. I may join as I have a jacket I want to make but I need to get the pattern and the fabric. If i do get some soon, I will certainly join in.

  3. Really looking forward to this, should be lots of fun :)

  4. Ohh this is a good idea with good timing!
    I finished sewing a skirt yesterday that has been in limbo for a few years *lol* And I have a new project lined up which happens to be a dress! I'll link up once I've taken a photo of my materials :)

    I can't wait to see what other people are going to do!


Thank you for your comments I love to hear from you.

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