
Thursday, 1 October 2015

WIP Wednesday

Ooops it's Thursday... I had this all written up and I thought I published it but apparently I didn't and now I'm fixing it up on Thursday... oops.

So it's been a week and a half of holidays and the kids go back to school next week. Despite the fact that we are technically on holidays it doesn't feel like we've slowed down at all. that is partly because we go out of our way to get to the park/beach every day that the kids aren't at vacation care. We haven't stopped for very long because the moment we stop doing organised activities the kid turn around and complain that they're bored!

We had a doozy of a storm come through a couple of days ago and we had hail and everything through our backyard. That ice stuck around the next day despite the hot day. It says how cold it stays near my washing line. No wonder it takes ages to dry everything.

 I have been sewing many pairs of pants for the kids. I don't actually have an WIP to show you I do have many finishes.

This is still the scrappy shorts from the one thimble magazine issue 5 (affiliate link). Gosh I LOVE this pattern. This time I made them without the side panels and I'm really excited about the way they turned out. Even better is that he loves them!

I had to take these from the floor of his room so they are a little scrunched up but that definitely says that he likes them as they keep being worn. 

 I do love making clothes when they are appreciated so much.

Happy Stitching,

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