
Monday, 30 September 2019

Owl Cross Stitch Pattern Collection

If you know me well at all you would know I have a mild owl obsession. It's not overpowering as I like other things but if there is one animal I love above all others it's owls. So a couple of months ago now I drew a page full of owls in my sketch book... and then I proceeded to turn a couple of them into digital sketches. I fell in love with this barn owl sketch the most.

I've managed to covert one of those sketches into a cross stitch pattern finally... actually I have a confession... it's been converted for about a month but I just wasn't sure if anyone would like it. I always second guess myself. If you follow my Instagram you'll actually see I released these patterns on Saturday my time but it's been a long weekend and I wasn't able to write this blog post before now.

You can find my barn owl pattern here... I am actually in the process of stitching this little cutie but I'm only just at the start of the yellow so no interesting photos to share. I'm excited for when I have more to show you. Also to make the background interesting I'm just stitching it in half crosses as I did with the background of my magician as it is quicker and gives a subtler effect. But that choice is up to you. The finished owl is 7.25cmx7.25cm on 14count aida so it's not a large design and would be perfect for so many different uses.

The second Owl designs that I have released is the Mini Owl Collection. This collection is 4 designs that can be stitched together or seperately. I've just stitched up the purple owl on the bottom right. Except in typical style I changed the purple colour to DMC333. Because it's the one I wanted to use and the first purple I put my hands on. I designed the mini owls to be easy to change colours and do what you want with, rather than always the same colours. Each owl is only about 20x20 stitches give or take a few depending which one.

Just so you know there are some fractionals involved in the mini owls to get some of that detail in such a small space. But I will be writing up a tutorial on how to handle those later in the week. They aren't scary and actually are really fun to work with.

Isn't he so cute? I am not sure yet how I will finish this one yet but I am tempted to turn it into a badge. I think it will be VERY cute worn pinned to a top.

 I also have these patterns bundled together and you can buy them both for a discount. HERE

BUT WAIT.. talking discounts I have the owl patterns on sale until the 8th of October 2019 for 10% off using the code OWL10 at checkout. So go take advantage of the discount while it lasts. 

I hope you enjoy these new patterns!

Happy Stitching,

1 comment:

  1. I know right? I can't resist anything owl related :D and they were so much fun to draw and then design!


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