
Monday 25 May 2020

Crochet and Knitting Fun (also craft room sorting)

So it turned FREEZING this weekend across Australia! We're not even in winter yet and some areas of Queensland recorded their coldest days EVER! So the ability to actually stay warm was even more important and I cuddled up under my crochet blanket with my owl beanie on and I stayed there for most of the weekend! 

Comfy Granny Stripe Blanket
Comfy Blanket Anyone?? 

With a little break in the middle of the day so I could clean the craft room a little. Not being able to even WALK into the room was starting to make me feel bad but it had become the box dumping site... So NOT entirely surprising. 

This was at the start of Saturday afternoon...I was standing in the doorway of the craft room! 

By the end of a couple of hours I manged to get the room like this. Still a HUGE amount to do but I am currently happy with how it stands. I can walk in and out of the room and I can see the potential even if I can't currently get to everything because it's still in relatively neat boxes. 

But my bookcase is looking particularly neat and I love the cross stitches on top. They are a Faye Whittaker design that I stitched YEARS ago. They came from a magazine I bought not long after I first started stitching. I will probably move those from there and put some sort of hanger system down the side of the bookcase so I can have the three designs sitting there so you can see them as you walk up the hall. 

I made a promise when we moved to start being truly honest with myself about why I am keeping certain craft stuff and just because I spent money on it is no longer an acceptable excuse. Actually I'm making that promise with a lot of stuff around the house as we slowly go through stuff and sort it. Let's be real... if I haven't touched a craft for 5 years not just because I work and do uni but because in the small breaks I do have that craft is something I have no interest in spending my time on ... WHY am I keeping it? It's a hard question to answer because I spent money on that stuff and obviously I felt it was important at the time but now, it's really not. 

But ... it's not all doom and gloom

I was searching through the drawers and came across this toy... it's a knitables pattern for her bunny and honestly I'm shocked that it's still there. I found I had ONLY two arms to do then some sewing and stuffing and I'll have a finished toy! So I settled down to watch a movie with my knitting in my lap and off I went. I'm sure as I continue to sort boxes and drawers I'll find more projects like this that I started. Some I WILL finish because I still like them but some I know I need to frog or bin all the work I have done and start a different project because it's not my style or my interest anymore. 

I also found a new crochet technique that I wanted to try (well not a new technique .. just new to me!) and I started testing out some squares. It's called Mosaic Crochet and this pattern is the square from the Terrazzo Afghan by Tinna

I I really like how this square looks though it isn't finished in this photo. It is just a tester to try out the pattern and I found for this one at least I used slightly too small a hook for the yarn and it's a little too tight. I don't know if I am going to make a whole blanket but I think I will. It will be a great project to work on through the winter as it will be highly portable. 

So that is my weekend update... I'm hoping to finish the bunny this week and then also work out what I am going to actually do about making a blanket as I would need to go yarn shopping to make it actually happen. Hope you stuck with me this far :D 

Happy Stitching,

1 comment:

  1. Your blanket does look nice and comfy!
    One day at a time, your room is coming along nicely. It can be hard to go through and get rid of your crafts, but it might make someone else happy!
    I like the new to you technique, especially those colours together.


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