
Tuesday, 15 December 2020

kookaburras and a little knitting!

Went to lunch the other day and was greeted by this cutie. It's a kookaburra for those that aren't familiar with Aussie birds. They're the ones that laugh at you when they speak. Literally their call sounds like a laugh. 

Watch this video below to hear them. :D They make me smile!

This kinda shows the difference walking to and from the train has made to my fitness and abilities. A typical day used to be at most 4000 steps. I was lucky to hit that on an active day. Now it's easy for me to go over 8000 steps daily which I really love!

My tiny tiny bit of knitting. My yarn is all tangled and honestly I need to get in the bag and sort it but ... I'm being lazy! 

You can see the frustrating tangle here.... I'm not even using that dark purple right now! but it's gotten all tangled up as well :( 

 Happy Stitching, 


1 comment:

  1. I didn't realise how noisy they are! Did he get in your yarn and make a mess?! I still remember the kookaburra song from elementary school.
    Where are you on fitbit? I use it too.


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