
Thursday, 18 August 2011

Rest of the photos

Here are the rest of the photos from the Ekka.

This is the RACQ club recovery vehicle it is a land rover so I just had to take a photo of it. We don't have any of these. We have series 1s and series 3s but no 2s.

I also saw a tonne of quilts!

Lastly I did buy a couple of showbags :D a Better homes and gardens one and some food ones. I also couldn't resist this little guy
Leapy the Lemur
He is a beanie kid collectible that was too cute to resist actually they were all too cute but I didn't want to buy the showbag because it came with a pile of other stuff that I didn't want so I just bought him. Now I need to woork out where he will sit. I want to find a place for him in my car without him being destroyed or in my vision at all. hmmm thinking ....

But all in All it was a wonderful day and I had so much fun. Lots of money to spend though on one day out.


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