
Saturday, 27 August 2011

A start

Well I have made a start on my new project. It is all tacked up and ready to go and on my frame. I have done a couple of hours work ... It is going to be interesting ...
Boxers - 27/8/11
The dogs are brindle in colour and I think in one patch there are at least 10 different browns in a 10x10 square! It will take a while. I was working from the middle and branching out with each colour until i ran out of thread then starting a new colour from the middle. That's why it is a bit everywhere. This part is the back of on of the boxers.

I won't be working on this one exclusively otherwise the browns will kill me! I can't wait 'til my packages arrive in the mail. I have a HAED coming and fabric for a JE. I will order the threads when I get paid next week. ALSO my mum has agreed to buy me a snap frame for my birthday which is at the beginning of October so I will have to get her to order them very very very very soon!

That is all my stitching news for the moment but it is exciting to see a start. I love to watch the stitching grow.


1 comment:

  1. wow, that looks like a lovely kit, congrats on your incoming stash!!


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