
Sunday, 21 October 2012

Craft and Quilt fair

It was an awesome awesome day!

There was so much to see and do throughout the day. I was going to go today as well but I spent too much yesterday to go today. Though I am still tempted! It's only 10 o'clock!

I visited the stall. I love that place! The guys are so lovely and they sell decent amounts of fabric for a decent price. Which is great for me as I buy fabric there in October for big things. By big things I do mean that I bought the fabric I need to do Maskerade Pale Dawn. I will use the excuse that it is only 15 colours but....

It's still 16x19 inches :D I will start this one after Christmas! If I don't find a chance to start it before then :D

Also they had Aida and Evenweave packs of offcuts. Which is great for doing smalls for Christmas and the like. I bought two packs with about 20 pieces all up. Some are quite a big size and they are all different counts and colours.

Sorry about the bad photos. There are some sparkly fabrics mixed in there and I'm looking forward to doing something with them :D

I also promised Phill I wouldn't buy ANY kits this time around and I kept my word... I didn't buy any kits but I can't say anything about the chart books!

I have been looking at the Stoney Creek Stitching to the Music book for a while. I love the pieces in it. That and I couldn't resist also buying the Christmas smalls book. Some really nice designs in there.

The pattern in the middle is one that both mum and I bought. It was one of three we bought from Funky Friends Factory. We also got Stu the Turtle and the Dippy Dinosaurs set. I am in LOVE with her designs! Looking at the pattern it is such an easy thing to make.  I will have to update you when I get around to making it... If I finish this post quickly and go out shopping for food now.... I could visit spotlight ... and start making it this afternoon!

Ohk I will update with quilt photos tomorrow :D

enjoy your day I'm going shopping!



  1. Sounds like it was a really fruitful and fun expedition.

  2. aww lovely new stash..
    hugs xxx

  3. wow, that's a great work you are going to start! And only 15 colors!

  4. Your new stash looks very promising =)
    I hope to see some new starts soon =)

  5. Looks like you had a great shopping day Caitlin. You better go again today. lol


  6. naughty stitcher you!!! No kits indeed! love the new stash...have fun!

  7. Nice stash you got there, Caitlin. :)

  8. Love the new stash. I laughed when I read your blog. You kept to your promise for no kits but bought 3 books. LOVE IT!!!xox


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