
Saturday, 3 January 2015

Capture 30

On an impulse I signed up for a journalling class called Capture30 by Heidi Swapp. It's being run by big picture classes through the month of January and the idea is to help you learn how to capture those memories throughout the year. Now I say it's an impulse I have been eyeing this class for a couple of months when I was first told about it but I was trying to be good.

I'm so excited to share some of what I've already done. We were asked to make a list of 15 facts, dreams, weaknesses, strengths whatever we felt was important to us now. Here is my list.

15 things ABOUT ME in 2015

  1. I HAVE to create stuff. It doesn’t matter what but I have to be constantly making something.
  2. I’m a stress head. I manage to constantly stress myself out over nothing.
  3. I have tried planning a couple of times before but a Daily plan never works for me, so I made my own journal to capture as I want.
  4. I need routines and plans but I rarely manage to stick to them very well.
  5. I’ve never done any sort of serious scrapbooking before, but I want to start collecting memories
  6. Nothing can beat PURPLE.
  7. I love music and am enjoying playing my trumpet again. I missed not having music for 8 years.
  8. I’m not confident in the kitchen but my goal this year is to expand myself and try new recipes.
  9. I’m still looking for full time work but this year will be my year to find what I want to be.
  10. I love to help and teach people but I know I can’t teach anymore in the classroom. It’s just too stressful.
  11. I love a good cup of tea to wake me up in the morning and sitting and just enjoying while I wake up.
  12. This year I’m going to LIVE, LOVE and LAUGH my way through. I want to get out and do instead of just talking about it.
  13. I’m the world’s best procrastinator but I’ve found that lists do help me sometimes….
  14. I love my family and friends and cherish the time I get to spend with them.
  15. I’m going to get healthy and fit this year and learn how to look after myself not just everyone else.

We were given a lovely envelope printable but I decided to make my own. I think it looks so lovely here.

We were also asked to come up with a quote to inspire us. We were given a great one but I found that Live, Laugh, Love seems to be calling me at the moment. I love the simplicity.

I'm going to put something on the back of the envelope I just don't know what yet.

I've also printed off my monthly calendar from Raine Lime Tree. It is their free printable calendar. I've just printed it on paper so I've used washi tape to reinforce the holes of each of the pages.

I'm loving this class so far I find it's been inspiring and interesting without being difficult or time consuming to achieve. I'm putting a bit more effort into some parts than I need to but that's because it's mine.

Is anyone else going to be journalling this year? What are your plans for the year ahead?

Happy Stitching,


  1. I've never really been sure what journalling is! Your folder looks lovely. I hope you'll share more of the work you're doing this month. Good luck!

  2. I'm just putting my journal together tonight, I can see that I'll be saving up to invest in the actual HS binder, because I'm really loving the style. I'm thinking I'm going to keep it separate from my bullet journal, though.


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