
Sunday, 11 January 2015

Instagram this week :D

I've realised I don't get many followers of my blog reading my instagram and visa versa. So because I'm doing a couple of photo challenges over there at the moment and just sharing a couple more photos at the moment that I haven't got around to sharing here I wanted to share them all with you.

These photos start from New Years Eve when I was camping down at Ballina. Sitting around the fire (a far way back because it was HOT!) Working on my Diamond Vest.

My Capture 30 Selfie. This is me at the beginning of 2015. 

My journal with the envelope inserts just put in. You will see lots of journal photos because one of the sets of photos I'm doing at the moment is the capture 30 class photos. 
This also fit in among my other photo challenge by @scoutiegirlblog. Day 2 Organisation

 I'm finally getting the energy to sew back :D mum your christmas present is slowly coming together you'll have it soon. Day 4 - Energy

I went walking in the pouring rain. I will get the exercise in. Day 5 - Renewal

Woohoo another Journal this time for my mum is all done :D she loves it which is even better. Day 6 - Completion

Afternoon Tea. My phone is broken so I can take photos but need to use my tablet to post them. A lengthy process. Day 8 - Colourful. I love the colour of summer fruits. 

Capture 30 - we were told to find our favourite pens. I love papermate Ink Joy pens. I just wish they came in thinner pens. They are awesome to write with, so smooth on the paper. I also love that you can get purple. Day 9 - Style We all find a style that works for us. What's your favourite pen?

Capture 30 I've finally got my projectlife inserts for my photos but unfortunately I have to punch the holes to make them fit in my planner but they do fit well. I've also got my 5 everyday into my planner now and my goals. 

Fun in the sun such a great way to spend a hot afternoon. Day 10 - Clean. After all the soap on the black plastic they didn't need a shower. 

I'm making a set of facecloths for myself. They are so pretty and purple :D

This photo is for the #saturdaynightcraftalong. I would love to see more people join in if you have an instagram account it's always great fun to see what others are working on. 

I hope you enjoyed my instagram photos from this week and maybe I'll catch you around instagram otherwise I think I'll have to share my photos here more often.

Happy Stitching,


  1. Great collection of photos:)

  2. What a great post! Love your selfie and the journal covers. Very, very nice.


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