
Wednesday, 7 January 2015

WIP Wednesday 7/1

Welcome back for the new year :D I'm so excited to be back. I've been camping and getting very excited about all my plans for the new year.  I've finally managed to finish my mother's Christmas present.

I am finding that the Capture 30 class is forcing me to think and to plan and get excited about what this year is going to bring. SO along that vein I am also doing a photo challenge on instagram by scoutiegirlblog. I'm enjoying having a broad section of photos and wanting to capture memories and photos. 

Now I do have some WIPs to show you. One you haven't seen for a while. I started working again on my diamond vest and I'm up to the front.

Sorry about the light in the photos. It has been raining on and off for the last couple of days and I haven't remembered to take photos when the sun has been out.

I've also been knitting myself some more facecloths. I got given some more balls of Bendigo cotton on Christmas and I'm using the lavendar purple to make a set of cloths for myself.

Now I have been cross stitching but I will have to keep it secret for the moment but I can show you a sewing finish!

I've been sewing my mum a journal of her own so she can keep track of her students this year.

Happy Stitching,


  1. The vest looks great Caitlin. I love the cover of the journal.


  2. That journal cover is absolutely wonderful. I really love it. You are definitely a woman of many talents. xx


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