
Friday, 22 April 2016

Q is for...


Ohk it's two days later but it's been that sort of week at work. Honestly I now admire those that hold down a full time job and manage to do anything else! 

Anyway onto my topic. I first started quilting when I was given a class at my local quilting shop. Actually I think I was given the bag making class and got drawn in by the quilting class. It was only a beginner quilt that was lap size but it was so much fun to make! It's in purple, although I actually made two as mum loved the pattern so much she bought me a second kit and would you believe it ? It's purple! 

Right now I'm sleeping with my little single bed quilt, that I made when I lived at the boarding house, over my half of the blanket as I'm getting colder at night than James does. Part of that quilt is showing below. 

My most recent make was a quilted blanket for my friend's baby in bright blues and blacks. I maybe make one quilt every couple of years. Maybe. I just don't have the money or the time to be buying that level of fabric when I just don't want to a lot. That's the wrong words. I want to but really don't enjoy working on the big sports of quilts that I really want to make because I just don't have the sewing space! One day I will have it again but until then I think I'll stick to mainly sewing clothes and toys. 

We can all dream though.
Happy stitching,



  1. Your single bed quilt is really pretty and so is the blue, black and white design. You did a great job as a beginner! I am at a stage now that I too like creating mostly smaller projects. Mainly, because it feels good to actually finish a project or two, once in a while!

  2. Your quilts look wonderful! I've seen a lovely quilt that I'd like to try to make but I have so much craft stash already that I feel guilty about adding more!

  3. I love your quilt! I've never tried quilting I'm just not crafty, I have trouble sewing a button on lol

  4. Glorious colours in the blue and black quilt. Not a craft that appeals to me but I do enjoy the finished pieces.

  5. It's crazy how expensive quilting supplies and material are getting. Whatever happened to making quilts out of old clothes and such? You do beautiful work!
    Carol at My Writing Journal

  6. What a pretty quilt! That is going to be the next thing I learn!!


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