
Tuesday 13 December 2011

I'm a piano teacher

If no one had worked that out in the middle of everything else. For a living I teach beginner piano, trumpet and early childhood. I'm currently working on my Grade 4 piano exam so I can better myself and teach older and older kids. I don't want to be left behind by my students.

I thought I would share this video with you. It is a gorgeous piece of music and watching 2 people play it on one piano is interesting.

if the embedding doesn't work then here is the link :D 

Enjoy the music


  1. Good luck with your piano exam. It's a good feeling when you know that you've made progress.

    It was the weirdest feeling the day I sat with one of my piano students as she put her first student through his first exam... I said "I think this makes me "Grandma!" LOL.

    She sat Grade seven that day and he did grade three... they both got B+ if I remember correctly :)

  2. thank you for sharing it dear
    hugs xx

  3. Watching them play together is fascinating! I enjoyed the music.

  4. Nice!! I teach piano too and it's so rewarding. Interesting arrangement of the Rite of Spring. :)


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