
Sunday 1 May 2011


So I finally had another game of softball today, what with Easter and rain this is only our third game this season. I forgot to ask dad to take photos which probably isn't a bad thing since it wasn't the nicest grounds. It has been raining on and off all week until Saturday morning so when this morning rolled around it wasn't the best idea to be out on a field that is on a flood plain. Anyone playing in left field ended up covered in mud. The Left fielder on our team got coated in mud when she slid through it after a ball. It was a funny sight. Unfortunately for us, our uniform is WHITE pants!!!! Who makes white pants for a softball team. I'm the catcher and usually I walk away with my pants in a mess after I spend the game scrambling around after balls. Today was quite a pleasant change with mum's pitching actually staying off the ground (my mum and sister are on the team as well) and the driest place on the field actually appeared to be home plate. My sister out in short stop ended up dirtier because of the mud kicked up every time she moved. Now to the important bit of the game. I managed to get home twice, struck out once and then caught out by the right fielder. It was a gorgeous hit though it just sang off the bat. We WON 9 runs to 7, until the last inning we were up 9-1 but they finally got over their hangovers and started batting. (I do love playing Women's C grade it really doesn't matter about the state of the players we play to have fun.)

Now onto the crafts. After I got home from softball and recovered from the mud I picked up my Tree Frog Trio and I have now finished the Hear no Evil frog. I have a couple of photos of the process, photos before and after the back stitch. It is amazing the difference back stitch makes to a project. As mush as I dislike back stitching over every other stitch, I love watching the way the designs jump when you put the back stitch around them. Does Anyone else find this aspect really makes a design pop?

Without Any Backstitching
Starting the backstitching
Finished all the back stitching

I'm very happy with this frog and it really didn't take very long to do. Also very late last night I managed to finish quite a bit of Land In Sight. A lot of the boat is filled in, not the stuff to the left and it needs to have a lot more done, of course.I'm going to keep going with the blue soon, just haven't worked on this one today.


  1. I love your little tree frog - he's so cute! I agree with you about the back stitching - it's a pain, but what a difference it makes!
    Here's a link to my blog
    hope you can check it out!

  2. :D I've been following your blog for a while. I love the thistles. They are pretty awesome.


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